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SQL Oracle output from table after stored procedures

( bankname VARCHAR, rate DECIMAL) 

UPDATE Deposit SET balance = balance + (balance * rate / 100) 
WHERE branchname = bankname;

**dbms_output.put_line(bankname ||rate );**

in my code, the dbms_output, I want to output what i have edited from the deposit account. Please help.

Declare a variable UpdatedRecords of TABLE OF Deposit%ROWTYPE and add RETURNING BULK COLLECT -clause to your UPDATE statement.

UPDATE ... RETURNING <all fields> BULK COLLECT INTO UpdatedRecords;

After the execution UpdatedRecords variable will be a collection of updated records as they were looking before changes. Scan it with LOOP and print what ever you want.

You can also reduce a number of fields collected after the executeion, just change RETURNING clause and give the proper declaration for UpdatedRecords variable.

Refer to Oracle documentation http://docs.oracle.com/database/121/LNPLS/returninginto_clause.htm#LNPLS01354 for RETUNING clause.

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