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Receive streaming of UDP packets sent at fixed, clocked rate

I have the requirement of receiving a stream of UDP packets at a fixed rate of 1000 packets per second. They are composed of 28 bytes of payload, where the first four bytes (Uint32) are the packet sequence number. The sender is an embedded device on the same local network, and addresses and ports are mutually known. I am not expected to receive every packet, but the host should be designed so that it doesn't add to the intrinsic UDP protocol limitations.

I have only limited previous experience with UDP and Sockets in general (just casual streaming from sensor app on android phone to PC, for a small demo project).

I am not sure what is the most sensible way to receive all the packets at a fast rate. I imagine some sort of loop, or else some sort of self-retriggering receive operation. I have studied the difference between synchronous and asynchronous receives, and also the Task-based Asynchronous Pattern (TAP), but I don't feel very confident yet. It looks like a simple task, but its understanding is still complicated to me.

So the questions are:

  1. Is UdpClient class suitable to a scenario like this, or am I better off going with the Socket class? (or another one, by the way)

  2. Should I use synchronous or asynchronous receiving? If I use synchronous, I am afraid of losing packets, and if I use asynchronous, how should I clock/throttle the receive operations so that I don't start them at a rate that's too large?

  3. I thought about a tight loop testing for UdpClient.Available() like below. Would it be a good design choice?

while (running)
    if (udpSocket.Available() > 0)
        // do something (what?)

Just read from your UdpClient as fast as you can (or as fast as is convenient for your application) using UdpClient.Receive(). The Receive() operation will block (wait) if there is no incoming packet, so calling Receive() three times in a row will always return you three UDP packets.

Generally, when receiving UDP packets you do not have to worry about the sending rate. Only the sender needs to worry about the sending rate. So the opposite advice for the sender is: Do not send a lot of UDP packets as fast as you can.

So my answers would be:

  1. Yes, use UdpClient.

  2. Use synchronous receiving. Call UdpClient.Receive() in a loop running in your receive thread, of in the main loop of your program, what ever you like.

  3. You do not need to check for available data. UdpClient.Receive() will block until there is data available.

  4. Do not be afraid of loosing packets when receiving UDP: You will almost never lose UDP packets on the receiving host because you do something wrong in receiving. UDP packets mostly get dropped by network components like routers somewhere on the network path, which cannot send (forward) UDP packets as fast as they receive them.

Once the packets arrive at your machine, your OS does a fair amount of buffering (for example 128k on Linux), so even if your application is unresponsive for say 1 second it will not lose any UDP packets.

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