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Java, relative xpath to find web elements

I am trying to go through a table (id="campaignAllAvailableList") and iterate through a list of titles: ( xpath = .//*[@id='campaignAllAvailableList']/li/div/div/h3 ) to see if it matches with the one I want.

If it does, then I click onto the corresponding button:

(xpath = .//*[@id='campaignAllAvailableList']/li/div/div[3]/a )

 <div id="campaignListWrapper" class="campaignOverviewSectionBody campaignListing" style=""> <ul id="campaignAllAvailableList" class="campaignList" style="display: block;"> <li> <div class="timetableCard clearedGroup"> <div class="timetableCardHeader helpAnchor"> <h3 class="timetableCardTitle">November Campaign metaTitle</h3> <img class="helpIcon" src="/images/icons/info-icon.png"/> <div class="popUp helpPopUp"> </div> <div class="timetableCardBody"> <div class="timetableCardActionBar clearedGroup"> </div> </li> <li> <div class="timetableCard clearedGroup"> <div class="timetableCardHeader helpAnchor"> <h3 class="timetableCardTitle">qwe</h3> <img class="helpIcon" src="/images/icons/info-icon.png"/> <div class="popUp helpPopUp"> </div> <div class="timetableCardBody"> <div class="timetableCardActionBar clearedGroup"> </div> </li> 

This is the java code I have right now:

public class PromotionsPage extends MainPageTemplate
    List<WebElement> campaignTable;

public PromotionsPage(WebDriver d) throws PageValidationException

public void clickSpecificGetStartedButton(String metadataTitle)

    for (WebElement el : campaignTable)
        WebElement metadataTitleTextElement = el.findElement(By.xpath(".//div/h3"));
        if (metadataTitle == metadataTitleTextElement.getText())
            WebElement getStartedButton = el.findElement(By.xpath(".//div[3]/a"));

It is failing at "for (WebElement el : campaignTable)", I think it is not reading campaignTable as a List properly...

I tried finding the list of title directly

List<WebElement> campaignTable;

and do

for (WebElement el : campaignTable)

but this is giving an error too, java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: object is not an instance of declaring class

insert a break; after clicking the element to escape from the loop. See below:

public void clickSpecificGetStartedButton(String metadataTitle)
for (WebElement el : campaignTable)
    WebElement metadataTitleTextElement = el.findElement(By.xpath(".//div/h3"));
    if (metadataTitle == metadataTitleTextElement.getText())
        WebElement getStartedButton = el.findElement(By.xpath(".//div[3]/a"));

I fixed it, but I am still not sure why the original code doesnt work

List<WebElement> campaignTable = driver.findElements(By.xpath(".//*[@id='campaignAllAvailableList']/li/div"));  
for (WebElement el : campaignTable)
    String metadataTitle = el.findElement(By.xpath(".//div/h3")).getText();

    if (target.compareTo(metadataTitle)==0)
        WebElement getStartedButton = el.findElement(By.xpath(".//div[3]/a"));

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