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How can I serve static content from CXF / JAX-RS with my rest API mapped to root context?

I have a rest API using CXF to implement JAX-RS where the REST endpoints are directly on the root context.

For example if my root context is localhost:8080/myservice

And my endpoints are:

But I want to serve static content like this:

In my web.xml I'd like to do something like this:



But that doesn't work, the CXFServlet picks up all requests and I could not find a way to configure CXF / JAX-RS to serve my static content without including new libraries and creating byte streams, etc. which I don't want to do. I want to just map to the default servlet.

The CXF documentation is not easy to follow, and I tried unsuccessfully to do the following:


Any ideas?

I found the solution thanks to this link !

Below is my servlet config in my web.xml to serve static resources with a CXFServlet that is mapped to root.



Hope this helps someone else.

You can serve static content by adding it to CXF Jetty resource handler:

<bean id="jettyHTTPServerEngine" class="org.apache.cxf.transport.http_jetty.JettyHTTPServerEngine">
    <property name="threadingParameters" ref="threadingParameters" />
    <property name="port" value="8080" />
      <property name="handlers">
              <ref bean="contextHandler" />

    <bean name="contextHandler" class="org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.ContextHandler">
        <property name="contextPath" value="/content"/>
        <property name="handler" ref="resourceHandler"/>

    <bean id="resourceHandler" class="org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.ResourceHandler">
        <property name="resourceBase" value="#{classpathResourceResolver.path}"/>
        <property name="directoriesListed" value="true"/>

<bean id="classpathResourceResolver" class="com.myapp.ClasspathResourceResolver">
    <property name="resourceLocation" value="myresources/files"/>

where property contextPath is URL suffix, eg you will get content at localhost:8080/content Be aware, that Jetty ResourceHandler accepts only Java path (plain), not Spring classpath. So you need custom converter from Spring to Java canonical path, see:

public class ClasspathResourceResolver
    private String resourceLocation;

    public String getPath()
        if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(resourceLocation))
                return new ClassPathResource(resourceLocation).getFile().getCanonicalPath();
            catch (Exception e)
                log.warn("Unable to resolve classpath as canonical path", e);
        return null;

    public void setResourceLocation(String resourceLocation)
        this.resourceLocation = resourceLocation;

CXFServlet able to serve static content directly; use 'static-resources-list' init-param with space separated list of static resource from classpath:


Its also possible to set HTTP response Cache-Control header via 'static-cache-control':

            <param-value>public, max-age=31536000</param-value>

Apache CXF Servlet Transport , section 'Redirecting requests and serving the static content'

Adding my 2 cents since I was inspired by this question and answers.

I wanted this to configure in JAVA and found out also that I had to use different regex.

I'll put the code here but explanation first:

My app was using spring-boot + cxf. CXF is mapped to root "/" and CXF was unable to server static resources, so I added redirect-servlet-name param that says "hey cxf, if request ends with .css, dispatch the requet to dispatcherServlet".

Why dispatcher servlet? It's spring-boot's default servlet that is for example able to server static content from specific folders.

public ServletRegistrationBean<CXFServlet> servletRegistrationBean() {
    ServletRegistrationBean<CXFServlet> x = new ServletRegistrationBean<>(new CXFServlet(), "/*");

    Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<>();
    params.put("redirects-list", ".*\\.css$"); // space separated list if multiple values are required
    params.put("redirect-servlet-name", "dispatcherServlet");
    return x;

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