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How to regex rotate properties from transform value

Let's say I have a css transform property that looks like this:

scale(1.02, 2.0) rotateX(50) rotateY(20) rotateZ(10) skew(100deg)

I need to remove the substring rotateX(50) rotateY(20) rotateZ(10) from the property AND get the 3 values 50 , 20 , and 10 as an array

How would you do this using javascript?

Use this regex rotateX\\((\\d+)\\)\\s+rotateY\\((\\d+)\\)\\s+rotateZ\\((\\d+)\\) ;

var transform = 'scale(1.02, 2.0) rotateX(50) rotateY(20) rotateZ(10) skew(100deg)';
var match = transform.match(/rotateX\((\d+)\)\s+rotateY\((\d+)\)\s+rotateZ\((\d+)\)/);
var arr = match.slice(1, 4);

Try this script:

 var txt = 'scale(1.02, 2.0) rotateX(50) rotateY(20) rotateZ(10) skew(100deg)'; var array = txt.match(/\\(\\d+(?=\\))/g).map(function(x){return x.slice(1)}); document.write(array); var new_text = txt.replace(/\\).* /, ') '); document.write('<br>' + new_text); 

Hope it helps.

I'd use 3 separate RegExp so it will work no matter the order of the rotate statements. This example uses ES6 destructuring for brevity but you could easily write it in ES5 using a temporary variable to hold the .match results.

var transformString = 'scale(1.02, 2.0) rotateX(50) rotateY(20) rotateZ(10) skew(100deg)';

// The first variable receives the entire match which we will later remove from
// transformString. The second variable receives the match group, the numeric
// value inside the parentheses 
var [xText, xValue] = transformString.match(/\srotateX\((\d+)\)/i);
var [yText, yValue] = transformString.match(/\srotateY\((\d+)\)/i);
var [zText, zValue] = transformString.match(/\srotateZ\((\d+)\)/i);

// remove rotate commands
[xText, yText, zText].forEach(function (text) {
  transformString = transformString.replace(text, '');
var values = [xValue, yValue, zValue];
console.log(transformString, values);

Note that the numbers we captured are string representations of those numbers, not actual numbers. If you need them to be numbers you could use .map to convert them to numbers.

values = values.map(function (n) {
  return +n;

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