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How to remove eclipse project explorer above the editor?

When I was working on a project for my program fundimentals class I somehow got this miniature project explorer above the editor in eclipse, I have tried to look for a solution on google but I don't think i'm asking the right question so this was my final place to go.

Here is a screenshot of my eclipse: 截屏

That is the breadcrumb view.

To toggle it on/off:

  • Shift + Alt + B (by default on Linux)
  • Right click in editor and choose Show in breadcrumb
  • Ctrl + 3 to open up quick access (or click in quick access) and type breadcrumb and select the toggle command as in this screenshot: 快速访问

  • Click this icon in the tool bar 面包屑

Yeah that is annoying, the workspace is cluttered enough. I was trying to simply minimize the explorer area so I could see the whole line of code and I eneded up activating this breadcrumb mode. Looks like:


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