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Go send post request?

I want to send POST request with Go, the request with curl is as follow:

curl '' -d '{"inputs": [{"desc":"program","ind":"14","p":"program"}]}'

I do this with Go like this:

jobCateUrl := ""

data := url.Values{}
queryMap := map[string]string{"p": "program", "ind": "14", "desc": "program"}
q, _ := json.Marshal(queryMap)
data.Add("inputs", string(q))

client := &http.Client{}
r, _ := http.NewRequest("POST", jobCateUrl, strings.NewReader(data.Encode()))
r.Header.Add("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")
r.Header.Add("Content-Length", strconv.Itoa(len(data.Encode())))

resp, _ := client.Do(r)

but I failed, got 500 error , what wrong with this?

The Request bodies are not the same:

In curl, you send {"inputs": [{"desc":"program","ind":"14","p":"program"}]}

In go, you send inputs=%7B%22desc%22%3A%22program%22%2C%22ind%22%3A%2214%22%2C%22p%22%3A%22program%22%7D which URLDecodes to inputs={"desc":"program","ind":"14","p":"program"} .

So, what you should probably do is something like this:

type body struct {
    Inputs []input `json:"input"`

type input struct {
    Desc string `json:"desc"`
    Ind  string `json:"ind"`
    P    string `json:"p"`

Then create a body :

b := body{
    Inputs: []input{
            Desc: "program",
            Ind:  "14",
            P:    "program"},

Encode that:

q, err := json.Marshal(b)
if err != nil {

You should obviously not panic, this is just for demonstration. Anyways, a string(q) will get you {"input":[{"desc":"program","ind":"14","p":"program"}]} .

Try it on the Playground

您不需要设置“ Content-Length”,相反,我认为您需要设置“ host”属性。

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