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Reading from an SSL input stream (Java)

I'm trying to write a simple protocol between a client and a server using an authenticated SSL connection and a number of control messages defined in the class bellow:

public class KeyExchangeProtcolMsgs {
    public static final String reqStr = "#REQ_KM";
    public static final String nonceStr = "#NONCE_END";
    public static final String ackStr = "#ACK_KM";


        // Connect to the server
        cSock = (SSLSocket) fact.createSocket(this.remoteHost, this.remotePort);
        // Create the streams to send out data as well as read data
        OutputStream out = cSock.getOutputStream();
        InputStream in = cSock.getInputStream();
        // Generate client nonce
        byte[] clientNonceB = CryptographyUtils.generateRandomNumber();
        // Send the nonce and the request for a key from the server
        // First, send the keying material request to the server
        System.out.println("[I] SSL client written " + KeyExchangeProtcolMsgs.reqStr);
        out.write(CryptographyUtils.toByteArray(KeyExchangeProtcolMsgs.reqStr)); // <== Successfully written to the server
        // Next, send the generated nonce (by the client)
        System.out.println("[I] SSL client written nonce ");
        System.out.println(new String(clientNonceB, "UTF-8"));
        // Finally, send the ending string
        System.out.println("[I] SSL client written " + KeyExchangeProtcolMsgs.nonceStr);
        // Wait for the response from the server containing the key
        int ch = 0;
        String responseStr = "";
        while ((responseStr.contains(KeyExchangeProtcolMsgs.ackStr) == false) && (responseStr.contains(KeyExchangeProtcolMsgs.nonceStr) == false)) {
            ch = in.read();
            responseStr = responseStr + (char) ch;
            System.out.println("[I] SSL client read " + responseStr);
        // Display read information from server
        System.out.println("[I] SSL client read " + responseStr);
        // Check if the server nonce contains the starting and end messages of the protocol

            String serverNonceStr = responseStr.substring(KeyExchangeProtcolMsgs.ackStr.length(), responseStr.length() - KeyExchangeProtcolMsgs.nonceStr.length());
            // Compute the key by xor-ing the client and server nonce and applying AES
            // on the resulting string
            clientKeyingMaterial = new SecretKeySpec(CryptographyUtils.xorStrings(clientNonceB, CryptographyUtils.toByteArray(serverNonceStr)), "AES");
            return clientKeyingMaterial;


        System.out.println("[I] SSL server listening");

        SSLSocket sslSock = (SSLSocket) sSock.accept();

        System.out.println("[I] SSL server starting handshake");

        // Process if principal checks out
        if (isEndEntity(sslSock.getSession())) {
            // Create the streams to send out data as well as read data
            OutputStream out = sslSock.getOutputStream();
            InputStream in = sslSock.getInputStream();
            // Wait and read the client's nonce
            int ch = 0;
            String requestStr = "";
            while ((requestStr.contains(KeyExchangeProtcolMsgs.reqStr) == false) && (requestStr.contains(KeyExchangeProtcolMsgs.nonceStr) == false)) {
                ch = in.read();
                requestStr = requestStr + (char) ch;
                System.out.println("[I] SSL server received " + requestStr);

            System.out.println("[I] SSL server received " + requestStr);

The loop on the server side exits as soon as KeyExchangeProtcolMsgs.reqStr/#REQ_KM is sent but does not wait for the actual nonce and ending message KeyExchangeProtcolMsgs.nonceStr/#NONCE_END .

Why does the server side while loop exit before the last message is sent by the client?

Because as soon as requestStr contains KeyExchangeProtcolMsgs.reqStr , requestStr.contains(KeyExchangeProtcolMsgs.reqStr) becomese true , so requestStr.contains(KeyExchangeProtcolMsgs.reqStr) == false becomes true == false , which is false , so the entire test in the while loop becomes false , so execution drops out of the while loop.

There are a couple of ways to fix this, the easiest would be to have two while loops. The first just loops until requestStr is KeyExchangeProtcolMsgs.reqStr , and the second that accumulates the nonce until it ends with KeyExchangeProtcolMsgs.nonceStr . Something like this:

        String requestStr = "";
        while (!requestStr.equals(KeyExchangeProtcolMsgs.reqStr)) {
            ch = in.read();
            requestStr = requestStr + (char) ch;

        System.out.println("[I] SSL server received " + requestStr);

        String nonceStr = "";
        while (!requestStr.endsWith(KeyExchangeProtcolMsgs.nonceStr)) {
            ch = in.read();
            nonceStr = nonceStr + (char) ch;

        // Whack #NONCE_END from the end to get just the nonce.

        nonceStr = nonceStr.substring(0, nonceStr.length() - KeyExchangeProtcolMsgs.nonceStr.length());

        System.out.println("[I] SSL server received " + nonceStr);

That's not tested but it should be close.

You could do it with a single while loop by keeping some sort of state indicator so you know when you're accumulating the reqStr and when you're accumulating the nonceStr , but I think splitting it like this is cleaner.

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