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TFS to Release Management - Release from Build

I am so close yet so far from getting my Visual Studio (MVC) application released through TFS & Release Management. I am using Version 2013 and have my build definition setup as follows:


As you can see it is using the TfvcTemplate.12.xaml as its template, and as such I cannot see the options for Release as I have been finding in all other examples online - eg:


I have gone into Release Management and setup my Release Template to reference this build definition and selected 'Can Trigger a Release from a Build'... but I have nothing happen in RM when I Build in Visual Studio.

What I have also found is that because the application I am building is MVC with Windows Authentication - every time I run a manual release, the Web Site gets rebuilt (as per my release template), but the website is always rebuilt with Windows Authentication Disabled... Which is a pain as I keep having to go into IIS after every release to enable Windows Authentication.

So, my questions are...

1) What am I doing wrong with my version of the Build Definition setup that it will not prompt a release?

2) Do I have to Remove and Create my website on the Release Template... and if so...

3) How do I get around the fact I always have to revisit IIS to enable Windows Authentication after each release?


You need to switch your build template to ReleaseTfvcTemplate.12.xaml.

You can find that file in the folder: Program Files (x86)\\ Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\\ReleaseManagement\\bin

You need to check that into your TFS repo, then switch your build definition over to use it. https://msdn.microsoft.com/library/ms181355(v=vs.120).aspx#add_template

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