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Symfony2 - notFoundExceptionError with my request

First , sorry for my english... So i want to make a request to show my article by category. But each time i just get my own error. So my controller is :

 public function categorieAction($slug,$page)



    if ($page < 1) {

      throw new NotFoundHttpException('Page "'.$page.'" inexistante.');



  $nbPerPage = 5;


  $listArticles = $this->getDoctrine()



    ->getAvecCategories($slug, $page, $nbPerPage) 



  $nbPages = ceil(count($listArticles)/$nbPerPage);


  if ($page > $nbPages) {

    throw $this->createNotFoundException("La page ".$page." n'existe pas.");




    return $this->render('OAHNewsBundle:News:categorie.html.twig',array(

    'listArticles' => $listArticles,

    'nbPages'      => $nbPages,

    'page'         => $page



My repository :

public function getAvecCategories ($page ,$slug, $nbPerPage )


   $query = $this -> createQueryBuilder ('a')

       ->leftjoin ( 'a.categories' , 'c' )


       ->where('c.slug = :slug')

       ->setParameter('slug', $slug)

       ->leftjoin('a.image', 'i')


       ->orderBy('a.date', 'DESC')





        ->setFirstResult(($page-1) * $nbPerPage)




    return new Paginator($query, true);




My route :


    path:    /categorie/{slug}/{page}

    defaults: { _controller: OAHNewsBundle:News:categorie , page: 1 }


        page: \d*

And the error i get :

if ($page > $nbPages) {

    throw $this->createNotFoundException("La page ".$page." n'existe pas.");


The view :

    {% extends "OAHNewsBundle::OAH_layout.html.twig" %}

{% block title %} {{ parent() }} - Index{% endblock %}

{% block body_news %}

    {% for article in listArticles %}

    <div class="article_des_news">

        <div class="row">

         <div class="col-sm-3">

                <a href="{{path('OAHNews_voir', {'slugarticle':article.slugarticle})}}"><img src='{{ asset(article.image.webPath) }}' alt="{{ article.image.alt}}"/></a>


         <div class="col-sm-9">

                <a class="titre_article" href="{{path('OAHNews_voir', {'slugarticle':article.slugarticle})}}">{{article.titre}}


                    <p><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-pencil"></i> par {{article.auteur}},

                     <i class="glyphicon glyphicon-time"> </i> {{article.date|date('d/m/y')}}

                        {% if not article.categories.empty %} 

                        <i class="glyphicon glyphicon-tag"> </i>

                            {% for categorie in article.categories %}

                                {{ categorie.nom }}{% if not loop.last %}, {% endif %}

                            {% endfor %}

                        {% endif %}


                {{ article.contenu|truncate(100, false, "...")}}    




    {% endfor %}

<ul class="pagination pull-right">

  {# On utilise la fonction range(a, b) qui crée un tableau de valeurs entre a et b #}

  {% for p in range(1, nbPages) %}

    <li{% if p == page %} class="active"{% endif %}>

      <a href="{{ path('OAHNews_accueil', {'page': p}) }}">{{ p }}</a>


  {% endfor %}


{% endblock %}

and the link i use :

<ul class="nav nav-pills nav-stacked">

  {% for categorie in listCategories %}

    <li class='menu'>

      <a class="titre_article normalLink" href="{{ path('OAHNews_categorie', {'slug': categorie.slug}) }}">

        {{ categorie.nom }}



  {% endfor %}


So what's wrong with my request? Thank you !

Ok I got it ! You're using a Paginator object. This object doesn't give you the results at all. If you want to get the number of articles , you have to do :


According with the doc of the class

But care, cause you've a little problem of logic on your 'existing page check' : Your Repository can only return to you a maximum of 5 results, so if you try to access the second page, you'll have something like that :

$nbPages = ceil($listArticles->count()/$nbPerPage); // [0 - 5] / 5 = 0 or 1

  if ($page > $nbPages) { // if (2 > 0 or 1)
    throw $this->createNotFoundException("La page ".$page." n'existe pas.");

If you want to check if you're accessing an existing page, you just can do :

if ($listArticles->count() > 0) {
    throw $this->createNotFoundException("La page ".$page." n'existe pas.");

And in your return you must send the array of results to your template by doing :

 return $this->render('OAHNewsBundle:News:categorie.html.twig',array(

    'listArticles' => $listArticles->getIterator(),

    'nbPages'      => $nbPages,

    'page'         => $page


Problem 2 : You have the error of the offset equal -5 because of this line of your repo :

->setFirstResult(($page-1) * $nbPerPage) // $page = 0 so (0-1) * 5 = -5

And this is because you defined you getAvecCategories like that :

getAvecCategories ($page ,$slug, $nbPerPage ) // page, slug, nbPerPage

And you're calling it by inversing arguments :

 ->getAvecCategories($slug, $page, $nbPerPage) // slug, page, nbPerPage

So php try to cast a slug in int and return 0.

The route should be

    path:    /categorie/{slug}/{page}
    defaults: { _controller: OAHNewsBundle:News:categorie , page: 1 }
        page: \d+ <-- change \d* by \d+

Try to cast the variable before check :

  if (intval($page) > $nbPages) {
    throw $this->createNotFoundException("La page ".$page." n'existe pas.");

Else, dump($page) and dump($nbPages) to know which value you get and understand why the conparison failed.

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