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get->Request in Symfony2

I have a very simple question, How can I get the POST values from get->Request();

public function emptytrashAction(){
    $request = $this->getRequest();
    $portfolio_id = $_POST["test"];

I dont want to use the $_POST variable and the form I submit just contain this hidden field test. The form is,

 <form name="empt_trash" action="{{ path('MunichInnovationGroupPatentBundle_portfolio_emptytrash') }}" method="post" >
    <input type="hidden" name="test" value={{ selected_portfolio.id }}>
    <input class="button3 tooltip" name = "submit" type="submit" value="Empty"></a>

How can I get the value of the hidden field without using $_POST ?


If a method use both GET and POST requests, For the Post request I check in my code like this

            if ($request->getMethod() == 'POST')

but it is not the symfony2 way then what is the proper way to check for the POST request?

As simple as :

$request  = $this->getRequest();
$postData = $request->request->get('test');

Note : This solution is only valid for Symfony <2.4 version. For 2.4 is deprecated and removed for 3.0.

The new code for obtain the request should be:

$request = $this->container->get('request_stack')->getCurrentRequest();
$postData = $request->request->get('test');

$this->getRequest() is a deprecated method since symfony 2.4 and it will be removed in the version 3.0, so the best way to get the current request is through the following code:


 * ...
 * @deprecated Deprecated since version 2.4, to be removed in 3.0. Ask
 *             Symfony to inject the Request object into your controller
 *             method instead by type hinting it in the method's signature.
public function getRequest()
    return $this->container->get('request_stack')->getCurrentRequest();

Introduced by the following evolution,

[FrameworkBundle] use the new request_stack service to get the Request object in the base Controller class.


You should not use getRequest() method its deprecated its always a good idea to inject request into your controller. Define you action like this:

public function emptytrashAction(Request $request){
    $portfolio_id = $request->request->get('test');

Never use GLOBALS like POST or GET in your actions they are not secure.

Here you can find more details: http://symfony.com/blog/new-in-symfony-2-4-the-request-stack

As described in the Symfony2 Blog, you should use the Request object directly as a parameter of your methods in your controllers.

For a service, you can inject the object through the __construct method and store it in an internal property.


To determine if your request method was post

if ($request->isMethod('post')) {...}

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