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How to Create an Instance of a Class in runtime derived from ObservableCollection<T>?

How to Create an Instance of a Class in runtime derived from ObservableCollection

The View Model and Model is given below :- C# Coding

public class Mobile
    ObservableCollection<MobileModelInfo> SourceCollection = new ObservableCollection<MobileModelInfo>();

    private void CreateObject(ObservableCollection<MobileModelInfo> Source)
        /// Create an Object for MobileModelInfo Class in Runtime and add the Values

    private ObservableCollection<MobileModelInfo> CostructMobileModel()
        SourceCollection.Add(new MobileModelInfo { Name = "iPhone 4", Catagory = "Smart Phone", Year = "2011" });
        SourceCollection.Add(new MobileModelInfo { Name = "S6", Catagory = "Ultra Smart Phone", Year = "2015" });


        return SourceCollection;


public class MobileModelInfo
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public string Catagory { get; set; }
    public string Year { get; set; }

From the example you've given you don't need a backing variable of ObservableCollection type; just inherit from it and your Mobile class becomes an observable collection of MobileModelInfo s. Note: it's much easier to bind to it using the below design pattern.

public class Mobile : ObservableCollection<MobileModelInfo>
    public Mobile()
        Add(new MobileModelInfo { Name = "foo", Category = "boo", Year = 1988 } );

    public Mobile GetList()
        return this;

I Got the Solution for this issue. The Following is the C# Function it Create an Instance of a Class in runtime derived from ObservableCollection

private void CreateObject(ObservableCollection<MobileModelInfo> Source)
    var gType = Source.GetType();
    string collectionFullName = gType.FullName;
    Type[] genericTypes = gType.GetGenericArguments();
    string className = genericTypes[0].Name;
    string classFullName = genericTypes[0].FullName;

    // Get the type contained in the name string
    Type type = Type.GetType(classFullName, true);

    // create an instance of that type
    object instance = Activator.CreateInstance(type);

    // List of Propery for the above created instance of a dynamic class
    List<PropertyInfo> oProperty = instance.GetType().GetProperties().ToList();

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