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How to fix Fatal error: Class 'SolrClient' not found?

I am trying to run to use the SolrClient PHP extension but I am unable to do so successfully. I did everything in this tutorial. But I keep getting the following error every time I try to create an object of the SolrClient class:

Fatal error: Class 'SolrClient' not found in /...

Server running:

  1. CENTOS 6.7 x86_64 standard
  2. WHM 11.52.0 (build 23)

Apache Solr:

solr-spec    5.3.1
solr-impl    5.3.1 1703449 - noble - 2015-09-17 01:48:15
lucene-spec  5.3.1
lucene-impl  5.3.1 1703449 - noble - 2015-09-17 01:38:09

JVM: Oracle Corporation OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (1.8.0_65 25.65-b01)

Installed required extensions:

  1. libxml2
  2. curl

Solved by going to the WHM cpanel >> Software >> Module Installers >> PHP Pecl Manager

Then I searched for Solr then clicked install.

You might need to install curl-devel, pcre-devel before you install Solr module like so:

yum install curl-devel
yum install pcre-devel

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