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Get JSON Schema from dynamic (or actually JSON data) using JSON.Net

I'm trying to get JSON Schema from a JSON entity using Newtonsoft JSON.Net.

This works as expected:

dynamic customObject = new
    Title = "Test"
var schemaGenerator = new JsonSchemaGenerator { };
var schema = schemaGenerator.Generate(customObject.GetType());

This works fine. The .Properties property of the schema shows the 'Title' property with details.

However my source for the schema is a piece of JSON data . So I first serialize it to dynamic :

string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(customObject);
dynamic customObjectAfterSerialize = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<dynamic>(json);

JsonSchemaGenerator schemaGenerator = new JsonSchemaGenerator { };
JsonSchema schemaAfterSerialize = schemaGenerator.Generate(customObjectAfterSerialize.GetType());

But now the .Properties property of the JSON schema object is null .

How can I get a JSON schema from an arbitrary piece of JSON data ?

dynamic in your first example is a reference to an anonymous typed object.

dynamic in your second example is untyped.

It isn't possible to generate a schema from an untyped object.

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