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linked list function c++ “which is of non-class type 'int'”?

below is the problem in one of the header of a code:

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include "extPersonType.h"
#include "orderedLinkedList.h"

using namespace std;

class addressBookType: public orderedLinkedListType
    void print() const;

    void printNameInTheMonth(int month);
    void printInfoOf(string lName);
    void printNamesWithStatus(string status);

    void printNamesBetweenLastNames(string last1,
                                    string last2);

    void insertNode(const extPersonType& eP);

    void searchName(string lName);

    void saveData(ofstream&);


    nodeType* searchList(string lName);

void addressBookType::print() const
    nodeType* current = first;

    while (current != NULL)
        cout << endl;
        current= current->link;

void addressBookType::printNameInTheMonth(int month)
    nodeType* current = first;

    while(current != NULL)
        if (current->info.isMonth(month))
            cout << endl;
        current = current->link;

void addressBookType::printInfoOf(string lName)
    nodeType* location = searchList(lName);

    if (location != NULL)
        cout << lName << " is not in address book." << endl;

void addressBookType::printNamesWithStatus(string status)
    nodeType* current = first;

    while (current != NULL)
        if (current->info.isStatus(status))
            cout << endl;
        current = current->link;

void addressBookType::printNamesBetweenLastNames(string last1,
                                                 string last2)
    string lName;

    nodeType* current = first;

    while(current != NULL)
        lName = current->info.getLastName();

        if (last1 <= lName && lName <= last2)
            cout << endl;
        current = current->link;

void addressBookType::insertNode(const extPersonType& eP)

void addressBookType::searchName(string lName)
    nodeType* location = searchList(lName);

    if (location != NULL)
        cout << lName << " is in the address book" << endl;
        cout << lName << " is not in the address book" << endl;

nodeType* addressBookType::searchList(string lName)
    nodeType* current = first;
    bool found = false;

    while (current != NULL)
        if (current->info.isLastName(lName))
            found = true;

        current = current->link;

    return current;

void addressBookType::saveData(ofstream& outFile)
    string firstN;
    string lastN;

    int month;
    int day;
    int year;

    string street;
    string city;
    string state;
    string zip;

    string phone;
    string pStatus;

    nodeType* current = first;

    while (current != NULL)
        current->info.getDOB(month, day, year);

        outFile << current->info.getFirstName() << " " 
<< current->info.getLastName() << endl;
    outFile << month << " " << day << " " << year << endl;
    outFile << street << endl << city << endl << state << endl << zip 
<< endl;
    outFile << current->info.getPhoneNumber() << endl
            << current->info.getStatus() << endl;

    current = current->link;


these are the two headers file that i suspect that has a problem with it but they have NO ERRORS at all

#include <iostream>

#include "linkedList.h"

using namespace std;

class orderedLinkedListType: public linkedListType
bool search(const int& searchItem) const;
    //Function to determine whether searchItem is in the list
    //Postcondition: Returns true if searchItem is in the list;
    //               otherwise, the value false is returned.
void insertNode(const int& newItem);
    //Function to insert newItem in the list
    //Postcondition: first points to the new list and
    //        newItem is inserted at the proper place in the list
void deleteNode(const int& deleteItem);
    //Function to delete deleteItem from the list
    //Postcondition: If found, then the node containing the
    //                 deleteItem is deleted from the list;
    //                 first points to the first node of
    //                 the new list
    //               If deleteItem is not in the list,
    //                  an appropriate message is printed
void printListReverse() const;
    //This function prints the list in reverse order
    //Because the original list is in ascending order, the
    //elements will be printed in descending order

void reversePrint(nodeType *current) const;
    //This function is called by the public member
    //function to print the list in reverse order

bool orderedLinkedListType::search(const int& searchItem) const
bool found = false;
nodeType *current; //pointer to traverse the list

current = first;  //start the search at the first node

while (current != NULL && !found)
    if (current->info >= searchItem)
        found = true;
        current = current->link;

if (found)
   found = (current->info == searchItem); //test for equality

return found;
}//end search

void orderedLinkedListType::insertNode(const int& newitem)
nodeType *current; //pointer to traverse the list
nodeType *trailCurrent; //pointer just before current
nodeType *newNode;  //pointer to create a node

bool  found;

newNode = new nodeType; //create the node
assert(newNode != NULL);

newNode->info = newitem;   //store newitem in the node
newNode->link = NULL;      //set the link field of the node
                           //to NULL

if (first == NULL)  //Case 1
    first = newNode;
    current = first;
    found = false;

    while (current != NULL && !found) //search the list
       if (current->info >= newitem)
           found = true;
           trailCurrent = current;
           current = current->link;

    if (current == first)      //Case 2
        newNode->link = first;
        first = newNode;
    else                       //Case 3
        trailCurrent->link = newNode;
        newNode->link = current;

}//end else
}//end insertNode

    void orderedLinkedListType::deleteNode(const int& deleteItem)
nodeType *current; //pointer to traverse the list
nodeType *trailCurrent; //pointer just before current
bool found;

if (first == NULL) //Case 1
    cout << "Cannot delete from an empty list." << endl;
    current = first;
    found = false;

    while (current != NULL && !found)  //search the list
       if (current->info >= deleteItem)
           found = true;
           trailCurrent = current;
           current = current->link;

    if (current == NULL)   //Case 4
        cout << "The item to be deleted is not in the "
             << "list." << endl;
        if (current->info == deleteItem) //item to be
                               //deleted is in the list
            if (first == current)       //Case 2
                first = first->link;
                delete current;
            else                         //Case 3
                trailCurrent->link = current->link;
                delete current;
        else                            //Case 4
            cout << "Item to be deleted is not in the "
                 << "list." << endl;
} //end deleteNode

void orderedLinkedListType::reversePrint
                        (nodeType *current) const
if (current != NULL)
    reversePrint(current->link);        //print the tail
    cout << current->info << " ";       //print the node

void orderedLinkedListType::printListReverse() const
cout << endl;

this is the second one:

#include <iostream>
#include <cassert>
#include <assert.h>

using namespace std;

//Definition of the node

struct nodeType
int info;
nodeType *link;

class linkedListType
const linkedListType& operator=
                     (const linkedListType&);
  //Overload the assignment operator.
void initializeList();
  //Initialize the list to an empty state.
  //Postcondition: first = NULL, last = NULL, count = 0;
bool isEmptyList() const;
  //Function to determine whether the list is empty.
  //Postcondition: Returns true if the list is empty,
  //               otherwise it returns false.
void print() const;
  //Function to output the data contained in each node.
  //Postcondition: none
int length() const;
  //Function to return the number of nodes in the list.
  //Postcondition: The value of count is returned.
void destroyList();
  //Function to delete all the nodes from the list.
  //Postcondition: first = NULL, last = NULL, count = 0;
int front() const;
  //Function to return the first element of the list.
  //Precondition: The list must exist and must not be
  //              empty.
  //Postcondition: If the list is empty, the program
  //               terminates; otherwise, the first
  //               element of the list is returned.
int back()const;
  //Function to return the last element of the list.
  //Precondition: The list must exist and must not be
  //              empty.
  //Postcondition: If the list is empty, the program
  //               terminates; otherwise, the last
  //               element of the list is returned.

bool search(const int& searchItem) const;
  //Function to determine whether searchItem is in the list.
  //Postcondition: Returns true if searchItem is in the
  //               list, otherwise the value false is
  //               returned.

void insertFirst(const int& newItem);
  //Function to insert newItem at the beginning of the list.
  //Postcondition: first points to the new list, newItem is
  //               inserted at the beginning of the list,
  //               last points to the last node in the list,
  //               and count is incremented by 1.

void insertLast(const int& newItem);
  //Function to insert newItem at the end of the list.
  //Postcondition: first points to the new list, newItem
  //               is inserted at the end of the list,
  //               last points to the last node in the list,
  //               and count is incremented by 1.

void deleteNode(const int& deleteItem);
  //Function to delete deleteItem from the list.
  //Postcondition: If found, the node containing
  //               deleteItem is deleted from the list.
  //               first points to the first node, last
  //               points to the last node of the updated
  //               list, and count is decremented by 1.

  //default constructor
  //Initializes the list to an empty state.
  //Postcondition: first = NULL, last = NULL, count = 0;

linkedListType(const linkedListType& otherList);
     //copy constructor

  //Deletes all the nodes from the list.
  //Postcondition: The list object is destroyed.

int count;   //variable to store the number of
             //elements in the list
nodeType *first; //pointer to the first node of the list
nodeType *last;  //pointer to the last node of the list

void copyList(const linkedListType& otherList);
  //Function to make a copy of otherList.
  //Postcondition: A copy of otherList is created and
  //               assigned to this list.

bool linkedListType::isEmptyList() const
return(first == NULL);

linkedListType::linkedListType() //default constructor
first = NULL;
last = NULL;
count = 0;

void linkedListType::destroyList()
nodeType *temp;   //pointer to deallocate the memory
                        //occupied by the node
while (first != NULL)   //while there are nodes in the list
    temp = first;        //set temp to the current node
    first = first->link; //advance first to the next node
    delete temp;        //deallocate the memory occupied by temp
last = NULL; //initialize last to NULL; first has already
             //been set to NULL by the while loop
count = 0;

void linkedListType::initializeList()
destroyList(); //if the list has any nodes, delete them

void linkedListType::print() const
nodeType *current; //pointer to traverse the list

current = first;  //set current so that it points to
                  //the first node
while (current != NULL) //while more data to print
   cout << current->info << " ";
   current = current->link;
}//end print

int linkedListType::length() const
return count;
}  //end length

int linkedListType::front() const
assert(last != NULL);
return first->info; //return the info of the first node
}//end front

int linkedListType::back() const
assert(last != NULL);
return last->info; //return the info of the first node
}//end back

bool linkedListType::search(const int& searchItem) const
nodeType *current; //pointer to traverse the list
bool found = false;

current = first; //set current to point to the first
                 //node in the list

while (current != NULL && !found)    //search the list
    if (current->info == searchItem) //searchItem is found
        found = true;
        current = current->link; //make current point to
                                 //the next node
return found;
}//end search

void linkedListType::insertFirst(const int& newItem)
   nodeType *newNode; //pointer to create the new node

   newNode = new nodeType; //create the new node

   assert(newNode != NULL);      //if unable to allocate memory,
                             //terminate the program

   newNode->info = newItem;        //store the new item in the node
   newNode->link = first;        //insert newNode before first
   first = newNode;              //make first point to the
                             //actual first node
   count++;                //increment count

   if (last == NULL)   //if the list was empty, newNode is also
                  //the last node in the list
  last = newNode;
    }//end insertFirst

    void linkedListType::insertLast(const int& newItem)
   nodeType *newNode; //pointer to create the new node

   newNode = new nodeType; //create the new node

   assert(newNode != NULL); //if unable to allocate memory,
                //terminate the program

   newNode->info = newItem;      //store the new item in the node
   newNode->link = NULL;         //set the link field of newNode
                       //to NULL

   if (first == NULL)  //if the list is empty, newNode is
                //both the first and last node
  first = newNode;
  last = newNode;
  count++;      //increment count
   else     //the list is not empty, insert newNode after last
    last->link = newNode; //insert newNode after last
    last = newNode;   //make last point to the actual last node
  count++;      //increment count
    }//end insertLast

void linkedListType::deleteNode(const int& deleteItem)
nodeType *current; //pointer to traverse the list
nodeType *trailCurrent; //pointer just before current
bool found;

if (first == NULL)    //Case 1; the list is empty.
    cout << "Cannot delete from an empty list."
         << endl;
    if (first->info == deleteItem) //Case 2
        current = first;
        first = first->link;
        if (first == NULL)    //the list has only one node
            last = NULL;
        delete current;
    else //search the list for the node with the given info
        found = false;
        trailCurrent = first;  //set trailCurrent to point
                               //to the first node
        current = first->link; //set current to point to
                               //the second node

        while (current != NULL && !found)
            if (current->info != deleteItem)
                trailCurrent = current;
                current = current-> link;
                found = true;
        }//end while

        if (found) //Case 3; if found, delete the node
            trailCurrent->link = current->link;

            if (last == current)   //node to be deleted
                                   //was the last node
                last = trailCurrent; //update the value
                                     //of last
            delete current;  //delete the node from the list
            cout << "The item to be deleted is not in "
                 << "the list." << endl;
    }//end else
}//end else
}//end deleteNode

void linkedListType::copyList
               (const linkedListType& otherList)
nodeType *newNode; //pointer to create a node
nodeType *current; //pointer to traverse the list

if (first != NULL) //if the list is nonempty, make it empty

if (otherList.first == NULL) //otherList is empty
    first = NULL;
    last = NULL;
    count = 0;
    current = otherList.first; //current points to the
                               //list to be copied
    count = otherList.count;

        //copy the first node
    first = new nodeType;  //create the node

    assert(first != NULL);

    first->info = current->info; //copy the info
    first->link = NULL;        //set the link field of
                               //the node to NULL
    last = first;              //make last point to the
                               //first node
    current = current->link;     //make current point to
                                 //the next node

       //copy the remaining list
    while (current != NULL)
        newNode = new nodeType;  //create a node

        assert(newNode != NULL);

        newNode->info = current->info; //copy the info
        newNode->link = NULL;       //set the link of
                                    //newNode to NULL
        last->link = newNode;  //attach newNode after last
        last = newNode;        //make last point to
                               //the actual last node
        current = current->link;   //make current point
                                   //to the next node
    }//end while
}//end else
}//end copyList

linkedListType::~linkedListType() //destructor
}//end destructor

                (const linkedListType& otherList)
first = NULL;
}//end copy constructor

     //overload the assignment operator

const linkedListType& linkedListType::operator=
                  (const linkedListType& otherList)
if (this != &otherList) //avoid self-copy
}//end else

 return *this;

i got an error saying error: request for member 'printInfo' in 'current->nodeType::info', which is of non-class type 'int'. There are few more headers file linking to this header, which all have template coding. However i managed to remove template coding from all the other headers with no errors at all with the exception of this header. can anyone tell me how to solve it?

You defined struct nodeType with member int info; . But in addressBookType::printInfoOf (and addressBookType::print ) you have the line location->info.printInfo();

Since info is an int , it has no methods to call, printInfo or otherwise, thus the error.

It looks like the problem is a result of another type mismatch in your code. addressBookType 's insertNode takes a const extPersonType& (which I assume is defined elsewhere and implements the methods you're trying to use?), but passes it to orderedLinkedListType::insertNode , which takes and stores const int& . This normally wouldn't work, but at a guess, extPersonType is a type (possibly a C++11 strongly-typed enum ) that has an implicit conversion to int , which might avoid compile errors during assignment, but still effectively strips all the extPersonType -specific behaviors on insertNode , it goes from extPersonType to just an int .

If you want a general purpose linked list, you need to template it to work with more than just int , eg changing nodeType to:

template<typename T>
struct nodeType {
    T info;
    nodeType<T> *link;

and updating all the methods associated with nodeType and the orderedLinkedListType to template as appropriate to the specific type, rather than int . If you're being lazy, you could instead just change all uses of int in nodeType and orderedLinkedListType to extPersonType , but now the code is no good for int s, so pick your poison.

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