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Httpd Error Forbidden on Symlink

I tried to put all my laravel folders into my home directory and create a symlink. I am on fedora 23

my current laravel project which is named blogger is under /home/pitfu/web/blogger

I created a symlink using this command

sudo ln -s /home/pitfu/web/blogger/public/ /var/www/html/blogger

in http.conf Options Indexes FollowSymLink is already there for /var/www/html

why do I get a Permission error?


You don't have permission to access /blogger/ on this server.

when I do ls -la in /var/www/html

lrwxrwxrwx  1 pitfu pitfu   61 Nov 20 13:48 blogger -> /home/pitfu/web/blogger/public/


After looking at this again I'm persuaded to believe that the /var/www/html folder may not have the adequate permissions set for the server.

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