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Error 503 with httpd localhost server on Fedora 35

So I switched to Fedora and wanted to install LAMP on it. So I followed this article: https://computingforgeeks.com/how-to-install-lamp-stack-on-fedora/ . Everything has been installed successfully. Afterward, I wanted to change the default root directory. In order to achieve it, I edited /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf and have set:

DocumentRoot "/home/muq/Localhost"

User muq
Group muq

<Directory "/home/muq/Localhost">
    Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
    AllowOverride All
    Require all granted

And now I am getting the error: 503 Service Unavailable .

If I change User and Group to default (apache) the error I get is: 403 Forbidden .

Previously I was doing the same thing with Apache on PopOS and it was working fine.

Thank you all in advance!

Did you follow the step in the article which says to set SELinux to permissive. My guess is that you didn't, and that's what's happening: SELinux is preventing user home directory files from being served out by the web server.

You could just follow the advice in the article and just turn it off. But, I strongly recommend that you don't. The thing it's protecting you from here is a reasonable one — a misconfiguration could otherwise very easily expose personal user files to the internet. And here's the key thing: fixing this is really easy! At least as easy as the instructions for disabling SELinux in the article! You just need to do:

sudo chcon -R -t httpd_sys_content_t /home/muq/Localhost

to label that directory as one from which you want to serve httpd content. And that should do it — and still give you all the other protection of SELinux.

(You could also consider a location like /srv/www or /var/www/html as your web root, keeping your home directory out of the whole thing. These are parts of the filesystem designated for that , and to me as a former sysadmin seems cleaner. But the choice is yours.)

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