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A PHP Error was encountered Severity: Core Warning Message: Module 'ffmpeg' already loaded Filename: Unknown Line Number: 0 Backtrace

Getting the following error in live

" A PHP Error was encountered
Severity: Core Warning
Message: Module 'ffmpeg' already loaded
Filename: Unknown Line Number: 0

But i did not receive this error in local host. I am using codeigniter 3. Need Some help..

At last i can get rid of that error code.

First open index.php file from your codeigniter base_url folder. Then set the value 0 in display error. That's it..

 switch (ENVIRONMENT) case 'development': error_reporting(-1); ini_set('display_errors', 0); break;

Try Using php vs 7.1. i had same problem in the upper version

in your case error would be hidden from viewers but the problem still consisting and this is just the cause of php version that you are using for hosting apps you have to login to the cpanel and search for php version set that to 5.5 and make that default too. Hope its helpful.

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