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simple way to copy recordset from fdquery to fdquery

Using fireDac, is there a simpler way to copy FDQuery to FDQuery?

the current hardcoded solution is to map each field in code to eache other field in code and post and edit and such.

  FDQueryThisNamelyField.AsInteger := FDQueryThis.NamelyField.AsInteger;
// some more fields

Is there a tool or a function that provide this service? I did see CopyRecord as a member of TFDQuery, howver how to create a record For TFDQuery?

I'd just use CloneCursor method,

FDQueryThis.CloneCursor(FDQueryOther, True, False);

Here You've got full description

However keep in mind the physical data stays the same. if you want to copy the data to a different location use .Data property:

FDQueryThis.Data := FDQueryOther.Data;

Best regards

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