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Sonata date range filter

I have a sonata date range filter

protected function configureDatagridFilters(DatagridMapper $filter)
        $now = new \DateTime();
            ->add('created_at', 'doctrine_orm_date_range',  array(
                    'label' => 'created_at_long',
                    'input_type' => 'text',
                    'field_options' => array(
                        'widget' => 'single_text'


If I enter the same date, elements with this date are not returned in my list. Is there a way to tell sonata do not use strict comparaison and use "less than or equal" and "greater than or equal" operators ?

I think adding a format tag will relax the constraints. Works for (is inclusive) me anyway with the following:

'format' => 'dd/MM/yyyy'

From this currently live/working filter:

->add('someField', 'doctrine_orm_date_range', [], null, ['format' => 'dd/MM/yyyy', 'widget' => 'single_text'])

I think you should create your own filter extending this one.

  • On the first input, you set a time to 0:00
  • on the second input, you set a time to 23:59

One other way is to use the doctrine_orm_datetime


When you look at the parent abstract class Sonata\\DoctrineORMAdminBundle\\Filter\\AbstractDateFilter you can read in the filter method :

 $data['value']['start'] = $data['value']['start'] instanceof \DateTime ? $data['value']['start']->getTimestamp() : 0;
 $data['value']['end'] = $data['value']['end'] instanceof \DateTime ? $data['value']['end']->getTimestamp() : 0;

It's like you where looking for something between day/month/year:00:00 and day/month/year:00:00 .

Not between day/month/year:00:00 and day/month/year:23:59

check the created_at attribute in the entity and see its name, if it is createdAt and created_at is its name in the DB so you have to change it to:

->add('createdAt', 'doctrine_orm_date_range',  array(
                    'label' => 'created_at_long',
                    'input_type' => 'text',
                    'field_options' => array(
                        'widget' => 'single_text'


because the sonata admin could display the attribute by its DB name but it couldn't apply the filter with it :) hope it helps

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