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Setting a timer on a pdf and closing it after the timer runs out in Java

I want implement a timed pdf in java. Basically open a pdf and have it open for any number of seconds I desire and then close automatically after the time runs out. I tried running on a thread and putting the thread to sleep that didn't seem to help. I am stuck and I cant seem to find anything online that would help me.

package testing;
import java.awt.Desktop;
import java.io.File;

 * @author xxx
public class PrimeThread implements Runnable {

    String name;
    int time;

    public PrimeThread(String x)
    name = x;
    time = 30000;
    public void run() {
     System.out.printf("%s os sleeping for %d\n", name, time);
         File fi = new File("C:\\Users\\xxx\\Downloads\\CBP Form 3078.pdf");

     catch(Exception ex){

     System.out.printf("%s is done\n", name);
     catch(Exception e){


As soon as you did Desktop.getDesktop().open(fi); then you opened the file in your computer's default PDF viewer. At that point you no longer have any control over what is going on, it's a completely separate process.

You would need to find out what process you just created somehow and send it a kill signal or use a java PDF viewer running inside your application so you have control over it.

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