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Path Compression , How does this code is path compression?

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package algorithm1;

* @author Navin

public class QuickUnionWeighted {

private int [] id;
private int [] size;
int numberOfChild;
int j=0;

public QuickUnionWeighted(int N){

    id =  new int[N];
    size =  new int[N];

    for(int i=0;i<N;i++){

        id[i] = i;


 public int root(int i){

     while (i != id[i]){
         id[i] = id[id[i]];


     return i;

 public boolean connected(int p,int q){

     return(root(p) == root(q));

 public void union(int p,int q){

     int i =  root(p);
     int j = root(q);

//         if(i == j) return;

     if(size[i] < size[j]){

         id[i] = j;
         size[j] += size[i];
         id[j] = i;
         size[i] +=size[j];

    for(int k=0;k<size.length;k++){
        System.out.print(size[k]+" ");



public static void main(String [] args){

    QuickUnionWeighted quw = new QuickUnionWeighted(10);

    quw.union(4, 0);
    quw.union(3, 5);
    quw.union(3, 6);



Because as I examined the code, the id[i] = id[id[i]] is pointing to the parent of the node, and the examined node is not moved to its grandparents and the tree is not flattened.

Kindly Guide.

id[i] = id[id[i]];

This line is the path compression. id[i] is the parent of node i . Hence, this line re-links node i to its grand-parent. Therefore, it skips the parent. Then, the same happens to the grand-parent and so on. This flattens the tree.

Here is a visualization of this step:

1                    1
^                   / \
|     root(3)      /   \
2    -------->   2       3

I know this is long due. But in case anyone still needs this.

Just as Nico said, this line is the path compression:

id[i] = id[id[i]];

But what it does is connect the node i directly to its grand-parent. It then skips the parent node, and the whole process is repeated for the grandparent onwards. Thereby flattening the tree.

However, to connect the node i directly to the root node, here is another implementation of path compression:

id[i] = root(id[i]);

This creates a recursive function that goes down to the root node and sets every node on that path to point directly to the root node.

Check https://algorithms.tutorialhorizon.com/disjoint-set-union-find-algorithm-union-by-rank-and-path-compression/ and page 9 of this material https://cseweb.ucsd.edu/classes/sp15/cse100-ab/lectures/Lec17_pdf.pdf

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