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C++ struct functor as function template parameter

I am confused, I know that CUDA and other libraries allow the usage of a template struct as the functor. Thus I have designed a few of them for a neural network class:

struct sigmoid
     __device__ float operator()(const float x) const                                                                                     
         float exp_val = __expf(-x);                                                                                                       
         float denom = __fadd_rz(1.f,exp_val);                                                                                             
         return __fdividef(1.f,denom);                                                

When I use this for a CUDA kernel, its usage is somewhat straightforward:



template <typename F>                                                                                                                     
__global__ void activate(F const& func, float * input)                                                                                    
   int x = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;                                                                                        
   input[x]  = func(input[x]);                                                                                                           

However I want to wrap the function template around the method that calls the CUDA kernel, and then forward it to it:

template <class A>                                                                                                             
thrust::host_vector<float> propagate (                                                                                                
                                       A func,                                                                 
                                       thrust::device_vector<float> & input                                                          
                                     ) const; 

I've implemented it into a separate header, which is being included at the end of the header which declares the class.

class ann
#include ann_imp.hpp

And the imp header:

template <class A> inline                                                                                                                   
__host__ thrust::host_vector<float> ann::propagate (                                                                                        
                                                       A func,                                                                            
                                                       thrust::device_vector<float> & input                                               
                                                    ) const                                                                                 

Yet when I call the actual propagate method I run into trouble:

net.propagate<sigmoid>( sigmoid(), in_vec1 );


error: function "sigmoid::operator()" cannot be called with the given argument list
            object type is: sigmoid

When I don't use the operator() but only the typename:

xor_net.propagate<sigmoid>( sigmoid, in_vec1 );

I get:

error: type name is not allowed

Using an actual object yields the same error:

sigmoid func;
xor_net.propagate<sigmoid>( func, in_vec1 );

I've tried playing around with the parameter being A const& func and such, but to no avail.

How do I pass a struct functor, and then forward it to the CUDA kernel?

EDIT Without the wrapper, calling the activation function simply required:


You have:

 __device__ float operator()(const float x) const ...

The function needs an argument of type float . You are calling it from ann::propagate as:


I believe that line needs to be:

       ^^^^                                   ^^^^^     
       Fix the type                           Use the object.

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