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Excel VBA - Assign formula results to array

This works to put the values in the column:

Sub JR_ArrayToDebugPint2()  
     ' written by Jack in the UK for [url]www.OzGrid.com[/url]  
     ' our web site [url]www.excel-it.com[/url]  
     ' Excel Xp+ 14th Aug 2004  
     ' [url]http://www.ozgrid.com/forum/showthread.php?t=38111[/url]  
    Dim JR_Values(500)  
    Dim JR_Count As Integer  
    Dim R As Long  
    R = 2  
    For JR_Count = 1 To 500 Step 1  
        JR_Values(JR_Count) = Evaluate("=INDEX('Client'!$O$2:$O$347473,MATCH(1,(('Client_Cost'!$D$2:$D$347473=BC" & CStr(R) & ")*('Client_Cost'!$E$2:$E$347473=BE" & CStr(R) & ")),0))")  
        Sheet1.Range("BG" & CStr(R) & "").Value = JR_Values(JR_Count)  
        R = R + 1  
        'Debug.Print JR_Values(JR_Count)  
        Next JR_Count  
End Sub

I've modified the original code I found on mrexcel.com

I get the correct list of values whether I Debug.Print or print to the worksheet. So in my mind, I ought to be able to put the values in an array as they are calculated, then use Range("BG2:BG500").Value = Application.Transpose(myarray).

I am assuming if I do this the values will be placed in the cells in the column all at once, rather than one at a time, which is what this code, and all others I've tried, is doing. I am also assuming that, if the values are placed in the cells in the column all at once, it is MUCH faster than placing the values in the cells one at a time.

What I'm not able to do is get the code to put the value in an array once the formula is evaluated. I've tried variations of the following with no success - statements to set the array and have the array take the value of the calculation are in caps and marked by ==>. The most common error I get is type mismatch.

Sub JR_ArrayToDebugPint2()  
    Dim JR_Values(500)  
    Dim JR_Count As Integer  
    Dim R As Long  
 ==>   DIM arrPRICE(0 TO 500) AS VARIANT  
    R = 2  
    For JR_Count = 1 To 500 Step 1  
        JR_Values(JR_Count) = Evaluate("=INDEX('Client'!$O$2:$O$347473,MATCH(1,(('Client_Cost'!$D$2:$D$347473=BC" & CStr(R) & ")*('Client_Cost'!$E$2:$E$347473=BE" & CStr(R) & ")),0))")  
     ==>   arrPRICE(R) = JR_VALUES(JR_COUNT)  
        R = R + 1  
        'Debug.Print JR_Values(JR_Count)  
    Next JR_Count  
End Sub  

When you dimension the variant array like Dim JR_Values(500) you are creating a one-dimensioned array based upon a zero-based index. This first element within the array is JR_Values(0) and the last is JR_Values(500) for a total of 501 array elements. While you could work from 0 to 499 with a little math, you can also force a one-based index on the variant array by declaring it that way.

The assumed worksheet parentage of the BC and BE columns where the individual row data criteria comes from is not definitive when using Application Evaluate like it is when the same formula is used on a worksheet. A worksheet knows who it is; VBA may or may not know what worksheet you are implying.

Sub JR_ArrayToDebugPint2()
    Dim olr As Long, rws As Long, JR_Count As Long, JR_Values As Variant

    'get some dimensions to the various data ranges
    With Worksheets("Client_Cost")
        'only use as many rows as absolutely necessary
        olr = Application.Min(.Cells(Rows.Count, "C").End(xlUp).Row, _
                              .Cells(Rows.Count, "E").End(xlUp).Row)
    End With
    With Worksheets("Client")
        rws = Application.Min(.Cells(Rows.Count, "BC").End(xlUp).Row, _
                              .Cells(Rows.Count, "BE").End(xlUp).Row)
        'override the above statement unless you want to run this overnight
        rws = 500
    End With

    ReDim JR_Values(1 To rws)   'force a one-based index on the array
    'Debug.Print LBound(JR_Values) & ":" & UBound(JR_Values)

    For JR_Count = LBound(JR_Values) To UBound(JR_Values) Step 1
        'Debug.Print Evaluate("INDEX('Client'!O2:O" & olr & _
                 ", MATCH(1, (('Client_Cost'!D2:D" & olr & "='Client'!BC" & JR_Count+1 & ")" & _
                            "*('Client_Cost'!E2:E" & olr & "='Client'!BE" & JR_Count+1 & ")), 0))")

        'R would be equal to JR_Count + 1 if R was still used (starts as R = 2)
        JR_Values(JR_Count) = _
          Evaluate("INDEX('Client'!O2:O" & olr & _
                 ", MATCH(1, (('Client_Cost'!D2:D" & olr & "='Client'!BC" & JR_Count + 1 & ")" & _
                            "*('Client_Cost'!E2:E" & olr & "='Client'!BE" & JR_Count + 1 & ")), 0))")
        'Debug.Print JR_Values(JR_Count)
    Next JR_Count

    With Worksheets("Client")
        .Range("BG2").Resize(UBound(JR_Values), 1) = Application.Transpose(JR_Values)
    End With

End Sub

I've left a lot of comments for you to review and subsequently clean up. I recently wrote a narrative of declaring one-dimension and two-dimension variant arrays in How to assign the variable length of an array to integer variable .

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