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Unsupported major.minor version 52.0 Servlets

I'm trying execute my java application in my server but always i'm facing the problem below:

HTTP Status 500 - br/webi/servlets/ServletEnviarMensagemDireta : Unsupported major.minor version 52.0 (unable to load class br.webi.servlets.ServletEnviarMensagemDireta)

At my server the java is the 1.8.0_66 and i developed my application with the same version. Follow the screenshots of my project and my server.



I already Google and i've found that this problem happens because i'm compiling my project with the different version of the my server... But for me it seems ok.

Observation: My project was not made using MAVEN.

Thanks for all help.

From the command line you can run

jcmd {pid} VM.version

This will tell you which version it is actually using. I suspect it's not Java 8.


I solved my problem...

I made what is in this link: AskUbuntu

And reinstall Tomcat7 + oracle-java8-installer .

After this i just appoint the $JAVA_HOME again and everything works fine.

Thanks for all help.

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