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Parsing XML Pastebin response, in Python

I'm trying to search for something on Pastebin, via their API. I'm searching using the pastebin library for python.

The problem is that I receive an XML response, that has repeating keys.

This is the response


So I am trying to parse it to return paste_key when paste_title == goodPaste , but the attrib is always empty

def parseXML(response):
    #I'm adding a root tag
    xml = ElementTree.fromstring('<list>' + response + '</list>')
    for child in root:
            for elem in child:
                print elem.tag, elem.attrib


    paste_key {}
    paste_date {}
    paste_title {}
    paste_size {}
    paste_expire_date {}
    paste_private {}
    paste_format_long {}
    paste_format_short {}
    paste_url {}
    paste_hits {}
    paste_key {}
    paste_date {}
    paste_title {}
    paste_size {}
    paste_expire_date {}
    paste_private {}
    paste_format_long {}
    paste_format_short {}
    paste_url {}
    paste_hits {}

EDIT : So I was supposed to use elem.text, so that's working now, but the main question still exists: How can I return the element where paste_key when paste_title == goodPaste

EDIT 2 Winning ticket:

result = xml.findall(".//paste[paste_title='goodPaste']/paste_key")
print result[0].text

You can use XPath for that:

result = xml.findall(".//paste[paste_title='goodPaste']/paste_key")
print result.text

This should print fsfgdsgg in your case

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