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Socket io and android not connecting

I am trying to connect an android app to Socket.io server on MEAN Stack.

I am emitting a test string on socketTesting and listening on the server side.


public class MainActivity extends ActionBarActivity {

    TextView tv;
    private Socket socket;

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {


        try {
            socket = IO.socket("http://"+IP_ADDRESS+":"+PORT_NO);
        } catch (URISyntaxException e) {




    public void onDestroy() {

This is the server side code:

 socket.on('socketTesting', function(message) {



Nothing is displayed on the server side. I know this is a very basic question but i've looked around much without any success. There's no exception thrown and neither does it connect.

1) check the socket.io version matches. Because of socket.io mismatch between server and client i received transport error(spent 2 days to realize).

2) If your socket is listening on port 80, Then open browser and enter http://your-server-ip:80 which will give json reply if the server socket is open for connection.

3) ppl use DEBUG=* node your-file.js to get the current status , It prints out everything .(check google for more info)

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