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ImageMagick compose:args=“” to Magick++ API

I am trying to convert the following ImageMagick command to Magick++:

convert input-1.jpg input-2.jpg -compose blend -define compose:args="25,75" -composite result.jpg

I am having difficulty with -define compose:args="25,75" , I cannot find its equivalent in Magick++. Without the compose:args= part, the Magick++ code is as follows:

Magick::Image input1, input2;
input1.composite(input2, 0,0, BlendCompositeOp);

Can anyone please explain the compose:args part to me or better yet tell me its Magick++ equivalent?

You'll need to define the image artifact on the inbound composite image.

#include <iostream>
#include <Magick++.h>

using namespace Magick;

int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {

    Image alpha, beta;
    // -define compose:args="25,75"
    beta.artifact("compose:args", "25,74");
    alpha.composite(beta, 0, 0, BlendCompositeOp);
    return 0;

使用Magick ++编写compos:args

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