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How do I SELECT data from child table in PostgreSQL?

In PostgreSQL 9.4, how do I retrieve json object like this:

parentTableFirstProp: 'string',
parentToChildReference: [
    {childTableFirstProp: 'another string'},
    {childTableFirstProp: 'yet another string'}

instead of this:

    parentTableFirstProp: 'string',
    childTableFirstProp: 'another string',
    parentTableFirstProp: 'string',
    childTableFirstProp: 'yet another string'

Do I always have to make 2 select queries, and insert one to another by usage of aliases? Could you just show an example: how do you SELECT parent table along with it's children?

UPD 1 this:

RIGHT JOIN "public"."ChildTable"
ON "public"."ParentTable"."childReference"

returns this:

        parentTableFirstProp: 'string',
        childTableFirstProp: 'another string',
        parentTableFirstProp: 'string',
        childTableFirstProp: 'yet another string'

Create tables statements:

CREATE TABLE "public"."ParentTable" (
    "id" varchar(36) NOT NULL COLLATE "default",
    "parentTableFirstProp" varchar(100) NOT NULL COLLATE "default",
    "parentToChildReference" varchar COLLATE "default"

CREATE TABLE "public"."ChildTable" (
    "id" varchar(36) NOT NULL COLLATE "default"
    "childTableFirstProp" varchar(100) NOT NULL COLLATE "default",

A new feature in PostgreSQL 9.2 but I didn't test the query:

I follow the tutorial from here .

select row_to_json(t)
from (
select ParentTable.parentTableFirstProp, (
select array_to_json(array_agg(row_to_json(child)))
  from (
    select childTableFirstProp
    from ChildTable
    where ChildTable.id=ParentTable.parentToChildReference
  ) child

  ) as parentToChildReference
from ParentTable
) t

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