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SQL Query to join two tables and filter the rows from first without corresponding entry in second

I have 2 tables in Mysql Database: One is Employee table to store employee details: employee

emp_id name
1       ABC   
2       XYZ   
3       EFG   

Second is for monthly wages: wages

 wage_id  emp_id month year   wage   paid
 1        1      11    2015   2000   2000
 2        2      11    2015   1000   1000
 3        3      11    2015   1500   1700
 4        1      12    2015   2000   2000
 5        3      12    2015   1500   0

I have to filter those employees whose wages are not entered for the month or whose paid is less or more than wage. For Ex.

When Month=11

Name  Wage Paid
EFG   1500 1700

And when Month=12

Name  Wage  Paid
XYZ   0     0
EFG   1500  0

I tried several things but couldn't get desired output.

Select  employee.emp_id, 
From    employee 
Join    wages       On  employee.emp_id = wages.emp_id 
Where   wages.month = 11 
And     wages.year = 2015 
And     wages.wage <> wages.paid


Select  wages.wage, 
From    wages 
Join    employee    On  wages.emp_id = employee.emp_id 
Where   wages.month = 11 
And     wages.year = 2015 
And     wages.wage <> wages.paid

Please suggest changes.

This should work: Just change [month] to whatever you want.

SELECT e.Name, IFNULL(w.wage, 0), IFNULL(w.paid, 0)
FROM Employees e
ON e.emp_id = w.emp_id AND [month] = 12 AND [YEAR] = 2015
WHERE w.wage IS NULL OR w.wage <> w.paid
  1. Make outer join on month, year and emp_id to get missing rows in wage table: select e.name, ifnull(w.wage,0) as wage, ifnull(w.paid,0) as paid from employee e left join wage w on w.year=2015 and w.month=11 and w.emp_id=e.emp_id
  2. Take rows where wage is null or unequal paid: where w.wage is null or w.wage<>w.paid
create table Employee( emp_id int not null Primary key,
name varchar(50) null

insert into Employee values(1,'ABC')
insert into Employee values(2,'XYZ')
insert into Employee values(3,'EFG')

Create table Wages (
wage_id int not null primary key,
emp_id int null,
month int null,
year int null,
wage int    null,
paid int null

 insert into wages values(1,1,11,2015,2000,2000)
 insert into wages values(2,2,11,2015,1000,1000)
 insert into wages values(3,3,11,2015,1500,1700)
 insert into wages values(4,1,12,2015,2000,2000)
 insert into wages values(5,3,12,2015,1500,0   )

-------------Query to get the desired output-----------
SELECT e.Name, ISNULL(w.wage, 0), ISNULL(w.paid, 0)
FROM Employee e
ON e.emp_id = w.emp_id 
AND [month] = 11 AND [YEAR] = 2015
WHERE w.wage IS NULL OR w.wage <> w.paid

try this

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