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AVR-GCC: Error: garbage at end of line

I have problem with stack init lines because avr-gcc returns

LED_Blink.asm:10: Error: garbage at end of line

On lines:

ldi r17, low(RAMEND)
ldi r17, high(RAMEND)

And I am confused. I have already defined RAMEND. I used avr-gcc with this command:

avr-gcc -x assembler -mmcu=atmega328p LED_Blink.asm

My assembly code:

.equ    SPL, 0x3d
.equ    SPH, 0x3e
.equ    RAMEND, 0x8ff

.equ    PORTB, 0x05
.equ    DDRB, 0x04
.org    0x000000
rjmp main
    ldi r17, low(RAMEND)
    out SPL, r17
    ldi r17, high(RAMEND)
    out SPH, r17

    ldi r16, 0xff
    out DDRB, r16
    out PORTB, r16
    ldi r16, 32
    rcall outer_loop
    cbi PORTB, 5
    ldi r16, 32 
    rcall outer_loop
    sbi PORTB, 5
    rjmp loop
    clr r24
    clr r25
    adiw r24, 1
    brne delay_loop
    dec r16
    brne outer_loop

对于AVR的GNU汇编程序, lowhigh并不意味着什么,我认为你想使用lo8hi8分别取低和高字节。

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