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Mandatory field icon Display 3 times

I am developing a simple webform for adding a candidate. In my Add Candidate form, I am using 3 buttons - two buttons for saving a data, and one button for cancel. On two buttons two different validations groups are used. when I am clicking on first button, proper validation group called and when I am clicking on second button then also it works fine. However, when I am entering a wrong value in textbox then it will show 2 validation messages but I want to show only one message like below:



<TextBox ID="txtDateofBirth" runat="server" Width="120" CssClass="form-control" MaxLength="10" placeholder="MM/DD/YYYY" onblur="javascript: ValidateDate(this);" onkeypress="return IsNumeric(event, this);" ondrop="return false;" onpaste="return false;"></asp:TextBox>
                        <asp:CompareValidator ID="CompareValidator1" runat="server" ErrorMessage="You must enter a valid Date Of Birth"
                            Display="Dynamic" ControlToValidate="txtDateofBirth" Operator="DataTypeCheck" Type="Date" ForeColor="Red" ValidationGroup="Validations">!</asp:CompareValidator>
                        <asp:CompareValidator ID="cmpDateOfBirth" runat="server" ErrorMessage="Entered Date Of Birth must be greater than 20 years"
                            Display="Dynamic" ControlToValidate="txtDateofBirth" Operator="LessThanEqual" ValueToCompare='<%# DateTime.Now.Subtract(TimeSpan.FromDays(7300)) %>' Type="Date" ForeColor="Red" ValidationGroup="Validations">!</asp:CompareValidator>
                        <asp:RequiredFieldValidator ID="rfvDateofBirth" runat="server" ErrorMessage="Please Enter Date of Birth"
                            ValidationGroup="Validations" ControlToValidate="txtDateofBirth" ForeColor="#CC0000" Display="Dynamic">!</asp:RequiredFieldValidator>
                        <asp:ImageButton ID="imgDateofBirth" TabIndex="4" ImageUrl="~/Images/calendar.png" 
                            AlternateText="Click here to display Calendar" runat="server" CausesValidation="False" />
                        <ajaxcontrol:CalendarExtender ID="CEDateofBirth" runat="server" FirstDayOfWeek="Monday"  
                            Format="MM/dd/yyyy" TargetControlID="txtDateofBirth"


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