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Sum Row From Gridview

I am running a SQL Query and returning the results to a gridview. I want to display the Totals in the footer row of the gridview. Everything works perfect,e xcept for a column that I am formatting as a % in the gridview. This is how I format it as a percetage

<asp:BoundField DataField="percentage" HeaderText="P" DataFormatString="{0:P}" />

And it throws the error message of:

input string was not in correct format

This is how I am calling it

protected void analysispack1_DataBound(object sender, EventArgs e)
    if (analysispack1.Rows.Count > 0)
        decimal showit = 0;
        foreach (GridViewRow row in analysispack1.Rows)
            showit += Convert.ToDecimal(row.Cells[2].Text);
        try { analysispack1.FooterRow.Cells[0].Text = tmpDailAttendance.ToString(); }
        catch (Exception exception) { throw exception; }

Change your code like this

foreach (GridViewRow row in analysispack1.Rows)
    showit += Convert.ToDecimal(row.Cells[2].Text.Replace("%", string.Empty));

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