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Error “400 Bad Request” The request sent by the client was syntactically incorrect

I am new to jQuery and trying to call Web-Service using Ajax. It seems fairly simple code but somehow not able to understand the reason for its failure. I tried all possible ways (that I could think of) but somehow not getting it to work.

Jsp code:

function tmpData() {
  var dataObject = JSON.stringify({
    'empfname': "First Name",
    'emplname': "Last Name"

alert("dataObject=" + dataObject);

    contentType: 'application/json',
    data: dataObject,
    done: setData,
    fail: displayError()
}; // end of function


public class TmpSvcImpl implements TmpSvcInt {
@RequestMapping(value = "/tmpinfo", method = RequestMethod.POST, headers = "Accept=application/json")
public @ResponseBody Map<String, Object> setData(@RequestBody final Emp employee1) throws Exception {

    System.out.println("employee1=" + employee1);
    String fname = employee1.getEmpfname();
    String lname = employee1.getEmplname();
    System.out.println("fn=" + fname ) ;
    System.out.println("ln=" + lname ) ;

    return null;

Model class:

public class Emp implements Serializable {

private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
String empfname;
String emplname;

public String getEmpfname() {
    return empfname;
public void setEmpfname(String empfname) {
    this.empfname = empfname;
public String getEmplname() {
    return emplname;
public void setEmplname(String emplname) {
    this.emplname = emplname;

public Emp(String fn, String ln){
    this.empfname = fn ;
    this.emplname = ln ;

public String toString() {
    return "Emp {empfname=" + empfname + ", emplname=" + emplname + "}" ;

In the block you've described:

public class TmpSvcImpl implements TmpSvcInt {
             value = "/tmpinfo", 
             method = RequestMethod.POST, 
             headers = "Accept=application/json")
    public @ResponseBody Map<String, Object> setData(@RequestBody final Emp employee1) throws Exception {
        System.out.println("employee1=" + employee1);
        String fname = employee1.getEmpfname();
        String lname = employee1.getEmplname();
        System.out.println("fn=" + fname ) ;
        System.out.println("ln=" + lname ) ;
        return null;

Specifying the 'Accept' header for this usage case is not really correct. If you want this method to respond only when the content-type is 'application/json' then you will have to add a consumes attribute of 'application/json'. As a comment pointed out this is not strictly necessary. Adding a produces attribute of 'application/json' will ensure that Spring will attempt to marshal the returned content as a JSON structure.

public class TmpSvcImpl implements TmpSvcInt {
             value = "/tmpinfo", 
             method = RequestMethod.POST, 
             consumes = "application/json",
             produces = "application/json")
    public @ResponseBody Map<String, Object> setData(@RequestBody final Emp employee1) throws Exception {
        System.out.println("employee1=" + employee1);
        String fname = employee1.getEmpfname();
        String lname = employee1.getEmplname();
        System.out.println("fn=" + fname ) ;
        System.out.println("ln=" + lname ) ;
        return null;

Add default constructor to your Emp class so that Jackson is able to create an instance of it, as follows:

public class Emp implements Serializable {

    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
    public String empfname;
    public String emplname;

    public String getEmpfname() {
        return empfname;

    public void setEmpfname(String empfname) {
        this.empfname = empfname;

    public String getEmplname() {
        return emplname;

    public void setEmplname(String emplname) {
        this.emplname = emplname;

    public Emp(String fn, String ln) {
        this.empfname = fn;
        this.emplname = ln;

     * default constructor
    public Emp() {


    public String toString() {
        return "Emp {empfname=" + empfname + ", emplname=" + emplname + "}";

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