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3D scene-graph library for Java?

I'm looking for a reliable 3D scenegraph API for Java with good documentation, an active community and a license that allows for commercial use.

I ruled out com.sun.scenegraph because it's GPL (and seemingly dead), Java3D because of this post and JMonkeyEngine because of this post. Any ideas?

My interpretation of the Java3D post is that they are adding a new scene graph, not replacing their current one, in order to more effectively mesh with JavaFX, which is targeted at webapps. I've used Java3D in the past and liked it, so I would recommend trying to contact the devs and ask what their plans are with respect to whatever app you're building.

Try Xith3D ; it uses JOGL, not Java3D.

There is also jReality it's BSD licensed, uses JOGL and looks pretty nice.

Supports a variety of output forms: software-only rendering, OpenGL rendering, immersive virtual reality (as in CAVE's) rendering; as well as file formats like Pixar's RenderMan® and SVG

Nowadays (mid 2012) I would strongly suggest jMonkeyEngine . It has a pretty good 3D scenegraph capability , suitable for use in applications such as 3D games.

It is fully open source, and also has a very active community and strong development roadmap - which is pretty important if you want to use in in the long run!

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