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How to write multiple path and file of a folder in once command line argument dos batch

On windows 7 x64 with a batch files (*.bat):

I need to check in a folder the last file (less than 5 days) and path to add in Mycommand as argument.

I need i think :

"FORFILES -5" perhaps "Call"

i begin with :

@echo off

set folder="D:\temp"
set vararg="-a"
cd /d %folder%
for /F "delims=" %%i in ('dir /b') do (D:\stockage\Mycommand %vararg% %folder%\\"%%i" -v > c:\temp\test_log.txt)

How to output like that :

D:\\stockage\\Mycommand -a D:\\temp\\file.jpg -a D:\\temp\\file2.jpg -a D:\\temp\\file3.jpg etc...

don't put non existing file or blank argument, i think i must Loop the argument "-a D:\\temp\\filexxx.jpg" but i don't know how to do it.

And if possible escape file name probleme more than x chars or space inside.

Can you give me an example ?


echo produces a linefeed and you can not stop it from doing so. As an alternative, first assemble the complete line:

setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set commandline="D:\stockage\Mycommand"
set maxfiles=5
for /f "delims=" %%i in ('dir /b /o-d') do (
  set /a maxfiles-=1
  set commandline=!commandline! -a "%%i"
  if !maxfiles! leq 0 goto :enough
echo %commandline%

This gives you the latest 5 files (or fewer, if the folder has not enough files)

Edited to reverse the order of the Parameters:

setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set "commandline="
set maxfiles=5
for /f "delims=" %%i in ('dir /b /o-d') do (
  set /a maxfiles-=1
  set commandline=-a "%%i" !commandline!
  if !maxfiles! leq 0 goto :enough
set commandline="D:\stockage\Mycommand" %commandline%
echo %commandline%

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