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How can I remove spaces from this PowerShell array?

I'm trying to get all ASCII numbers and letters from Powershell for use as a key later on.

My code so far looks like this:

[char[]] $keyArray = @()
for($i = 65;$i -le 122;$i++) 
    if($i -lt 91 -or $i -gt 96)  
        $keyArray += [char]$i
for($i = 0; $i -le 9; $i++)
    $keyArray += ("$i")

Write-Host [string]$keyArray

However, when I write this out (last line), I get the following with spaces in between each character:

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTU VWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstu vwxyz 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

How can I remove those spaces?

You can use -join operator to join array elements. Binary form of that operator allows you to specify custom separator:

-join $keyArray
$keyArray -join $separator

If you really have array of characters, then you can just call String constructor:

New-Object String (,$keyArray)
[String]::new($keyArray) #PS v5

And does not use array addition. It slow and unnecessary. Array operator @() is powerful enough in most cases:

$keyArray = [char[]] @(
    for($i = 65;$i -le 122;$i++)
        if($i -lt 91 -or $i -gt 96)
    for($i = 0; $i -le 9; $i++)

With use of PowerShell range operator you code can be simplified:

$keyArray = [char[]] @(

Use the builtin Output Field Seperator as follows (one-line, use semi-colon to separate, and you MUST cast $keyArray to [string] for this to work):

$OFS = '';[string]$keyArray


If you want one character per line:

Write-Host ($keyArray | out-string)

If you want all chars on one line:

Write-Host ($keyArray -join '')

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