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Get the result of AFNetworking response as JSON string array

I have been trying to get the response data from the web service as array of strings but i couldn't manage to do that, Alamofire didn't work properly and thats why im using AFNetworking. apparently the response comes back but in the failure block and i will print it as string to show that its returning data but as string not as array of strings.

Here is my code :

     let manager = AFHTTPRequestOperationManager()
        manager.responseSerializer = AFJSONResponseSerializer(readingOptions: NSJSONReadingOptions.AllowFragments)

//        manager.responseSerializer.acceptableContentTypes = NSSet(array: ["text/plain", "text/html", "application/json"]) as Set<NSObject>
        manager.GET(url, parameters: nil, success: { (AFHTTPRequestOperation, ewsult) -> Void in
            print("doing the request")
//            print(AFHTTPRequestOperation)
//            print()
            }) { (operation, erropr) -> Void in

//            print(erropr)


Here is the response :

Optional("Array\\n(\\n [0] => Array\\n (\\n [name] => Apple Juice\\n [0] => Apple Juice\\n )\\n\\n [1] => Array\\n (\\n [name] => Apple Juice\\n [0] => Apple Juice\\n )\\n\\n [2] => Array\\n (\\n [name] => DryClean\\n [0] => DryClean\\n )\\n\\n [3] => Array\\n (\\n [name] => DryClean\\n [0] => DryClean\\n )\\n\\n)\\n
\\n : json_decode() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given in on line :json_decode()期望参数1为字符串,在第行的给出的数组

In summary i just need to get the response as array of strings.

u'd better provide the data. AFNetworing will parse the JSON to a dict and use like

NSArray *dictArr = responseObject[@"mydata"];

My suggestion u should

  1. access the datas directly from the browser (just type the source url and browser will show)
  2. copy the datas to https://jsonformatter.curiousconcept.com/ find out format issue

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