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Why does my Spark run slower than pure Python? Performance comparison

Spark newbie here. I tried to do some pandas action on my data frame using Spark, and surprisingly it's slower than pure Python (ie using pandas package in Python). Here's what I did:

1) In Spark:

train_df.filter(train_df.gender == '-unknown-').count()

It takes about 30 seconds to get results back. But using Python it takes about 1 second.

2) In Spark:

sqlContext.sql("SELECT gender, count(*) FROM train GROUP BY gender").show()

Same thing, takes about 30 sec in Spark, 1 sec in Python.

Several possible reasons my Spark is much slower than pure Python:

1) My dataset is about 220,000 records, 24 MB, and that's not a big enough dataset to show the scaling advantages of Spark.

2) My spark is running locally and I should run it in something like Amazon EC instead.

3) Running locally is okay, but my computing capacity just doesn't cut it. It's a 8 Gig RAM 2015 Macbook.

4) Spark is slow because I'm running Python. If I'm using Scala it would be much better. (Con argument: I heard lots of people are using PySpark just fine.)

Which one of these is most likely the reason, or the most credible explanation? I would love to hear from some Spark experts. Thank you very much!!

Python will definitely perform better compared to pyspark on smaller data sets. You will see the difference when you are dealing with larger data sets.

By default when you run spark in SQL Context or Hive Context it will use 200 partitions by default. You need to change it to 10 or what ever valueby using sqlContext.sql("set spark.sql.shuffle.partitions=10"); . It will be definitely faster than with default.

1) My dataset is about 220,000 records, 24 MB, and that's not a big enough dataset to show the scaling advantages of Spark.

You are right, you will not see much difference at lower volumes. Spark can be slower as well.

2) My spark is running locally and I should run it in something like Amazon EC instead.

For your volume it might not help much.

3) Running locally is okay, but my computing capacity just doesn't cut it. It's a 8 Gig RAM 2015 Macbook.

Again it does not matter for 20MB data set.

4) Spark is slow because I'm running Python. If I'm using Scala it would be much better. (Con argument: I heard lots of people are using PySpark just fine.)

On stand alone there will be difference. Python has more run time overhead than scala, but on larger cluster with distributed capability it need not matter

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