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How to print Sqlite cursor log in Android?

Cursor cursor = null;
cursor = db.execQuery("select person_id, person_name" + " from person_table where person_id in (" + stringBuffer.toString() + ") order by person_name_jp asc");

code as above

then how can I print the cursor's string ("select person_id,person_name from person_table where ...") to logcat?

Iterate through your cursor using cursor.moveToNext() or cursor.moveToPosition(position) manually or inside the cycle.

Get from cursor required data and just put it into Log:

Log.v("your_tag", cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(person_name)));


Assign your query string to a temporary string object which you pass to executeQuery and simply use Log.i() to print you query in logs:

String query="your query";
Log.i("your tag", query);

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