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Django: dependent dropdown

I'm a newbie and trying to make my own dependent dropdown through javascrip and I'm kind of stuck.

I have 2 regions, A REGION with the id of 1 and B REGION with the id of 2 ,

I have 4 cities, A CITY and B CITY which have a foreign key of 1 and C CITY and D CITY have the foreign key of 2 . I have noticed that whenever it loops it leaves B CITY and D CITY which have the foreign key of 1 and 2 .

Also is there a better option than using .remove as it permanently deletes the <options> . Can someone point me in the right direction?

Thanks in advance.

My html

<select id="region" name="region">
        <option id = 0 >-----</option>
        {% for item in region %}
            <option id = {{ item.id }}>{{ item.name }}</option>
        {% endfor %}

<select id="city" name="city">
        <option id = 0>-----</option>
        {% for item in city %} 
            <option id = {{ item.reg }}>{{ item.name }}</option>
        {% endfor %}

and my script

$(document).ready(function() {
    $("#source").change(function() {
        var region = $(this);
        var city = document.getElementById("status")
        var i = 1;
        while (i < city.length) {
            if (city.options[i].val != region.val()){

Here is my models

class REGION(models.Model):
    name = models.CharField(max_length=50)
    def __unicode__(self):
        return u'%s' % (self.name)

class CITY(models.Model):
    name = models.CharField(max_length=50)
    reg = models.ForeignKey("REGION")
    def __unicode__(self):
        return u'%s' % (self.name) 

Here is how I solved my problem (if you want to use javascript)

First of all here is my html

<select id="region" name="region">
    <option id = 0 >-----</option>
    {% for item in region %}
        <option id = {{ item.id }}>{{ item.name }}</option>
    {% endfor %}

<select id="city" name="city">
    <option id = 0>-----</option>

Instead of .remove I used .append

My javascript

$("#source").change(function() {
     el = $(this);
     var select = document.getElementById("city");
     select.length = 0;

     <!--This part deletes all records in preparation for new results-->

     var reg = [{% for item in city %}"{{ item.reg }}"{% if not forloop.last %},{% endif %}{% endfor %}];
     var name = [{% for item in city %}"{{ item.name }}"{% if not forloop.last %},{% endif %}{% endfor %}];

     <!--Storing all data in an array-->

     for(var i = 0; i<reg.length; i++){
         if(el.val() == reg[i]){
             $("#status").append("<option id = "+ reg[i] +" value = \"" + name[i] + "\">" + name[i] + "</option>");


Thanks for the Answer Shang Wang

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