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How to put if condition inside php string properly

I have following code to print some data,

$html = "<table><tr><th>Email Address</th><th>Event</th><th>Tag</th><th>Time</th></tr>"

    .if(count($result->http_response_body->items) > 0) {
        foreach ($result->http_response_body->items as $key) {.
             <td>". $key->recipient . "</td>
             <td>". $key->event . "</td>
            <td>" . @$key->tags[0] . "</td>
            <td>" . date("r", $key->timestamp) . "</td>


    echo $html;   

When I execute code it gives syntax error, unexpected 'if' condition. How to insert this if condition and other variables inside this table string. Please help.

you have a lot of syntax errors

$html = "<table><tr><th>Email Address</th><th>Event</th><th>Tag</th>    <th>Time</th></tr>";

if ( count( $result->http_response_body->items ) > 0 ) {
    foreach ( $result->http_response_body->items as $key ) {
        $html .= "<tr>
             <td>" . $key->recipient . "</td>
             <td>" . $key->event . "</td>
            <td>" . @$key->tags[ 0 ] . "</td>
            <td>" . date( "r", $key->timestamp ) . "</td>

$html .= "</table>";

echo $html; 

also, dont supress errors ( @$key->tags[0] ). Do a proper check with isset first. Or if you are on php7 you can use the null coalesce operator like $key->tag[0] ?? 'something else' $key->tag[0] ?? 'something else' .

Please try this

$html = "<table><tr><th>Email Address</th><th>Event</th><th>Tag</th><th>Time</th></tr>" ;

    if(count($result->http_response_body->items) > 0) {
        foreach ($result->http_response_body->items as $key) {
          $html.=   "<tr>
             <td>". $key->recipient . "</td>
             <td>". $key->event . "</td>
            <td>" . @$key->tags[0] . "</td>
            <td>" . date("r", $key->timestamp) . "</td>


    echo $html;

Firstly PHP statements close with ; that is semi-colon.

So, your first statement needs to be corrected as:

$html = "<table><tr><th>Email Address</th><th>Event</th><th>Tag</th><th>Time</th></tr>";
if (count($result->http_response_body->items) >0) { // Removed dot
  foreach ($result->http_response_body->items as $key) { // Removed dot
    $html .= "<tr><td>" .$key->recipient ."</td>
      <td>" .$key->event ."</td>
      <td>" .@$key->tags[0] ."</td>
      <td>" .date("r", $key->timestamp) ."</td></tr>";
  } // Removed Dot.
// fetchLogs($result);
$html .= "</table>";
echo $html;

the trick is quite simple, you just have to understand string concatination, and once you've mastered that you can compose complex strings like this one.

$html = "<table><tr><th>Email Address</th><th>Event</th><th>Tag</th><th>Time</th></tr>";

    if(count($result->http_response_body->items) > 0) {
        foreach ($result->http_response_body->items as $key) {
             <td>". $key->recipient . "</td>
             <td>". $key->event . "</td>
             <td>" . @$key->tags[0] . "</td>
             <td>" . date("r", $key->timestamp) . "</td>



   echo $html;  

there are syntax errors in the code.You can use this

    $html = "<table><tr><th>Email Address</th><th>Event</th><th>Tag</th>    <th>Time</th></tr>";

    if ( count( $result->http_response_body->items ) > 0 ) {
        foreach ( $result->http_response_body->items as $key ) {
            $html .= "<tr>
                 <td>" . $key->recipient . "</td>
                 <td>" . $key->event . "</td>
                <td>" . @$key->tags[ 0 ] . "</td>
                <td>" . date( "r", $key->timestamp ) . "</td>

    $html .= "</table>";

echo $html; 

RAther than using string concatenation which can have performance penalties with large strings my personal preference is to use an array into which items are added - implode at the end to output to screen.


            <th>Email Address</th>

    if ( count( $result->http_response_body->items ) > 0 ) {
        foreach ( $result->http_response_body->items as $key ) {
            $html[]= "
                <td>{@$key->tags[ 0 ]}</td>
                <td>" . date( "r", $key->timestamp ) . "</td>

    $html[]= "</table>";

    echo implode( PHP_EOL, $html);
    unset( $html );

Another way to do that :

      <th>Email Address</th>
   <?php if(count($result->http_response_body->items) > 0) : ?>
       <?php foreach ($result->http_response_body->items as $key):?>
                <td><?php echo $key->recipient; ?></td>
                <td><?php echo $key->event?; ?></td>
                <td><?php echo @$key->tags[0]; ?></td>
                <td><?php echo date("r", $key->timestamp); ?></td>
       <?php endforeach;?>
   <?php endif;?>

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