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How can I use a property of Java Enum when converting to JSON

I'm having some difficulty in translating a certain Java Enum to JSON. I have the following Enum:

public enum Color {
    BLUE("Blue"), RED("Red");
    private String colorName;

    Color(final String colorName) {
        this.colorName = colorName;

    public String toString() {
        return colorName;

When converting to JSON, I'd like to use the name, so I've overridden the toString method. I thought that was enough, but when I do this test:

Gson gson = new Gson();
assertEquals("Blue", gson.toJson(Color.BLUE));

It fails! It gives me "BLUE"... is there any way I can make the thing return "Blue"?

I've also tried the @JsonValue annotation on a method that returns the name but to no result. The fasterxml @JsonFormat also give me nothing...

first of all, even if it's not the cause avoid naming the attribut name.

otherwise, change your code like this and it will work.

public enum Color {
@SerializedName("Blue") BLUE("Blue"),
@SerializedName("Red") RED("Red");
    private String name;

    Color(final String name) {
        this.name = name;

    public String toString() {
        return name;

@JsonValue on method that returns name to use does work. Just make sure that you are not accidentally using wrong Jackson annotations (Jackson 2.x requires annotations from com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation ; Jackson 1.x ones from org.codehaus.jackson ). Also, if you are using an old Jackson version, try upgrade; support for @JsonValue was added somewhere around 2.4 I think.

I found the solution myself, but StaxMan made me persist in trying :)

What I did was adding an annotation from Jackson 2.x, but in my tests I used Gson to convert to json. These don't play together. So when you're using Jackson to define the json output, also use Jackson to convert your object to json:

public class ColorTest {

    public void convertToJson() throws JsonProcessingException {
        ObjectWriter ow = new ObjectMapper().writer().withDefaultPrettyPrinter();
        String json = ow.writeValueAsString(Colors.BLUE);
        assertEquals("\"blue\"", json);

    private enum Colors {
        RED("red"), BLUE("blue");

        private String colorName;

        Colors(final String colorName) {
            this.colorName = colorName;

        public String toString() {
            return colorName;

Works like a charm!

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