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AWS 405 Method not allowed

I've been banging my head against the wall with this for a few hours now and I can't seem to figure out what's wrong.

Basically I have a S3 Bucket and I'm trying to upload a simple text (.txt) file to it from Unity3D. The C# script to download and PHP script are taken from here

So I put the PHP script in the bucket itself, get the URL of that php script and call it from the C# code:

PHP script:

      print("Success! ");
      print("tmpName: " . $_FILES['theFile']['tmp_name'] . " ");
      print("size: " . $_FILES['theFile']['size'] . " ");
      print("mime: " . $_FILES['theFile']['type'] . " ");
      print("name: " . $_FILES['theFile']['name'] . " ");

   move_uploaded_file($_FILES['theFile']['tmp_name'], "../images/" . $_FILES['theFile']['name']);

   } else


 WWWForm postForm = new WWWForm();
 postForm.AddBinaryData("theFile", bytes, "TestFile", "text/plain");
 WWW upload = new WWW(phpScriptURL, postForm);        
 yield return upload;
 if (upload.error == null)
     Debug.Log("upload done :" + upload.text);
     Debug.Log("Error during upload: " + upload.error);

I get the error "Error during upload: 405 Method not allowed"

I tried changing permission settings, Region settings, etc but to no avail.

I read this answer and it mentioned to change the end point but I can't seem to do that there's no way to edit it.

If I try the same PHP/C# script on a different server it works fine... But just not in the S3 Bucket.

I've tried another PHP/C# script and got the same result, same error on the S3 bucket but success on a different server.

Here's the other PHP script I tried:

$data = file_get_contents('php://input');
try {
    $result = file_put_contents("save-bytes.txt", $data, FILE_APPEND);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo $e->getMessage();
if ($result !== false)
    echo "Saved " . $result . " bytes";
} else {
    echo "Data is not saved";

(The C# code used with this script does something similar to the previously posted C# code)

Thanks for any help in advance

S3 buckets are locked down to private by default. You have to edit the access policy on the bucket if you want to put files into it. For information on S3 bucket policies check out the docs .

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