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How to test asp.net webforms(non angular) using Protractor?

I am very new to protractor, and testing .NET Applications. I am trying to build an automation testing script from scratch. Below is the HTML:

<div class = "top">
<span id = "welcome">
<span id = "user">MyName</span></strong> 

My protractor code is:

var greet = element(by.id('user')); expect(greet.getText()).toBe('MyName');

I have already done this code:

var greet = element(by.id('welcome')).element(by.id('user'));
expect(greet.getText()).toBe('Hi, MyName'); // or toEqual("Hi, MyName");

But I am still getting an error message saying

Failed: No element found using locator: by.id("welcome")


Failed: No element found using locator: by.id("user")

Hoping to hear from all of the experienced protractor testers.

It really looks like a timing issue. Let's try to wait for the element to become present :

var EC = protractor.ExpectedConditions;
var greet = element(by.id('user'));

browser.wait(EC.presenceOf(greet), 5000);


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