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filtering JSON data by key name

I am new to angularJS

I have JSON data like this :

    "REPORT_NAME": "non, lobortis quis, pede.",
    "REPORT_TYPE": "Duis Sit Amet Ltd",
    "REPORT_DATE": "Sep 3, 2015",
    "REPORT_INGREDIENT_1": "Prednisone",
    "REPORT_INGREDIENT_2": "Alprazolam",
    "REPORT_INGREDIENT_3": "Prednisone",        

    "REPORT_NAME": "Cras dolor dolor, tempus",
    "REPORT_TYPE": "Sociis Incorporated",
    "REPORT_DATE": "Apr 26, 2015",
    "REPORT_INGREDIENT_1": "Clonazepam",
    "REPORT_INGREDIENT_2": "Hydrocodone/APAP",
    "REPORT_INGREDIENT_3": "Nuvaring",      
    "REPORT_NAME": "posuere cubilia Curae; Donec",
    "REPORT_TYPE": "Pede Inc.",
    "REPORT_DATE": "May 22, 2015",
    "REPORT_INGREDIENT_1": "Furosemide",
    "REPORT_INGREDIENT_2": "Lipitor",
    "REPORT_INGREDIENT_3": "Losartan Potassium",

    "REPORT_NAME": "enim. Nunc ut erat.",
    "REPORT_TYPE": "Orci Sem Institute",
    "REPORT_DATE": "Dec 29, 2015",
    "REPORT_INGREDIENT_1": "Alprazolam",
    "REPORT_INGREDIENT_2": "Celebrex",
    "REPORT_INGREDIENT_3": "Promethazine HCl",

How can I filter this data and store all the "REPORT_STATUS" data in a separate array.

My array should contain : ["REPORT_STATUS": 1,"REPORT_STATUS": 4,"REPORT_STATUS": 5,"REPORT_STATUS": 1]

Lets play with builded functionality :

console.log(JSON.stringify(json, ['REPORT_STATUS']));

will produce

var reportStatuses = [];
angular.forEach(myJson, function(jsonObj) {

This way you will have an array with all your reportstatuses like so:


It is not possible to have an array with key-value pairs, use an object for that.

Try this

 values = your_json_array;
    var status = [];
    angular.forEach(values, function(value, key) {
    }, status);

The REPORT_STATUS will store in status variable output status = [1,4,5,1]

For more know https://docs.angularjs.org/api/ng/function/angular.forEach

single line version

var reportStatusArray = yourJsonArray.map(function(r){ return r['REPORT_STATUS']; });

This will give you [1,2,3,4,5]


var reportStatusArray = yourJsonArray.map(function(r){ return {'REPORT_STATUS': r['REPORT_STATUS']}; });

will give you [{"REPORT_STATUS": 1},{"REPORT_STATUS": 2} ... ]

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