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Displaying each entry of PHP array on a new line in Javascript alert box

I have a simple query to select some information from the database:

  $dep_qry = "select product_name, sum(theoretical_stock_level) as opening_stock, sum(quantity_scanned) as closing_stock, department_description, stock_item_code, custom_1 AS size, IFNULL(unit_cost_price, 0.00) AS cost_price from stocktake_products where stocktake_id = '{$stocktake_id}' AND is_deli = 0 
                         group by product_name, department_description
                         order by department_description ASC;";

    $dep_res = db::c()->query($dep_qry);

I then have the following code to put products with a cost price of 0.00 into an array. I then check the number of elements in the array. If the array has some information in it, I want to display an alert for the user to tell him which items have a cost price of 0. The following code works, but I am wondering if its possible to display each entry from the array on a separate line in the alert box? Just to make it more user friendly.

while ($row1 = $dep_res->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC))
        $cost_price = number_format($row1['cost_price'],2);
        $pname = $row1['product_name'];
        if ($cost_price == 0.00)
            $products[$i] = $pname;

    $numOfNoCosts = count($products);
    if ($numOfNoCosts > 0)
        echo "<script> alert('".json_encode($products)."') </script>";

If there is a better way of doing this, I am more than happy to take on suggestions!

Try this to show like array values on each line


Try this to show like an array:


first get a js variable ready with the php array value . Like this

<script type="text/javascript">
    var obj = <?php echo json_encode($Your_array); ?>;

A full Tried and tested example below

<?php $phpArray = array(
          0 => "Mon", 
          1 => "Tue",  
          2 => "Wed", 
          3 => "Thu",
          4 => "Fri", 
          5 => "Sat",
          6 => "Sun",


<script type="text/javascript">

    var jArray= <?php echo json_encode($phpArray ); ?>;



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