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Trying to build shared library in CLion/CMake

I've been trying to download and build the Stanford Library source files and build a library out of them to use for my own project using the CLion (IDE). I've been following instructions from this answer and my CMakeLists file looks like this:

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.3)

set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -std=c++11")

file(GLOB MyHeaders "*.h" /stacktrace/"*.h" private/"*.h")
file(GLOB MySources "*.cpp" /stacktrace/"*.cpp" private/"*.cpp")
add_library(Stanford SHARED ${MySources} ${MyHeaders})

target_include_directories (Stanford PUBLIC ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR})

When opening the run menu, I get the following: 屏幕截图1

If I tell it to build anyway I get the following errors.


I've been struggling to find out what why I need an executable to build a library and what those undefined references mean.

I don't know if it's the cause of your problem, but include command should look like this: include_directories(${MyHeaders}) . ${MyHeaders} will expand the variable MyHeaders and pass its current value to include_directories . Otherwise you are, literally, including directory MyHeaders .

Standford library provide call_stack_windows.cpp and call_stack_gcc.cpp . Only one should be included. In your case, you should use call_stack_gcc.cpp . call_stack_windows.cpp cannot link with gcc .

So, my answer is: don't use globbing to declare your sources. It is very error prone. If you are lazy, just copy-paste output of find . -name '*.cpp' -o -name '*.h' find . -name '*.cpp' -o -name '*.h' to your CMakeList.txt .

In add, there are many bad practices in CMakeList.txt you show. I suggest you to read this answer .

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