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Print all possible boolean states of n variables in Perl/Java w/o binary

I need to generate all possible boolean states (2^n) of n variables. For example for n=3 it should look like this:

0 0 0  
1 0 0  
0 1 0  
0 0 1  
1 1 0  
1 0 1  
0 1 1  
1 1 1  

Unfortunately I cannot use binary magic, like it is shown here so this (master)piece of simplicity is unusable for me :(

final int n = 3;
for (int i = 0; i < Math.pow(2, n); i++) {
    String bin = Integer.toBinaryString(i);
        while (bin.length() < n)
        bin = "0" + bin;

I need to do this in a simple yet efficient way using plain cycles without special things like binary or list functions as shown in the answer above.

Any help would be much appreciated!

what about something like this? Add a comment if something is not clear!

void allConfigurations(int n, int[] config, int index)
    if(index == n)// base case, the whole config has been filled
    config[index] = 0; //create config with 0 at index
    allConfigurations(n, config, index + 1);
    config[index] = 1; //create config with 1 at index
    allConfigurations(n, config, index + 1);

The states are

sub bits {
   my ($n, $i) = @_;
   return map { my $bit = $i & 1; $i >>= 1; $bit } 0..$n-1;

my $n = 3;
for my $i (0 .. (1<<$n)-1) {
   my @bits = bits($n, $i);

If you don't have & , << and >> (which would be really really weird as all CPUs have these), or if you want more than two states, you can use the following:

sub bits {
   my ($b, $n, $i) = @_;
   return map { my $bit = $i % $b; $i = ($i-$bit)/$b; $bit } 0..$n-1;

my $n = 3;
my $b = 2;
for my $i (0 .. ($b**$n)-1) {
   my @bits = bits($b, $n, $i);


sub get_next {
   my ($b, $bits) = @_;
   for (@$bits) {
      return 1 if ++$_ != $b;
      $_ = 0;
   return 0;

my $n = 3;
my $b = 2;
my @bits = (0) x $n;
while (1) {
   last if !get_next($b, \@bits);

Benchmark results for n=3,

                  Rate tommaso_pasini        ikegami ikegami_inline
tommaso_pasini 34462/s             --           -23%           -49%
ikegami        44612/s            29%             --           -34%
ikegami_inline 68061/s            97%            53%             --

Benchmark results for n=10,

                Rate tommaso_pasini        ikegami ikegami_inline
tommaso_pasini 271/s             --           -33%           -58%
ikegami        403/s            48%             --           -38%
ikegami_inline 644/s           138%            60%             --

Benchmarking code:

use strict;
use warnings;
use Benchmark qw( cmpthese );

sub _tommaso_pasini {
    my ($n, $bits, $i) = @_;

    if ($i == $n) {
    # ...

    $bits->[$i] = 0;
    _tommaso_pasini($n, $bits, $i+1);
    $bits->[$i] = 1;
    _tommaso_pasini($n, $bits, $i+1);

sub tommaso_pasini {
   my ($n) = @_;
   _tommaso_pasini($n, [], 0);

sub ikegami_next {
   my ($bits) = @_;
   for (@$bits) {
      return 1 if ++$_ != 2;
      $_ = 0;
   return 0;

sub ikegami {
   my ($n) = @_;
   my $bits = [ (0) x $n ];
   while (1) {
      # ...
      last if !ikegami_next($bits);

sub ikegami_inline {
   my ($n) = @_;
   my $bits = [ (0) x $n ];
   OUTER: while (1) {
      # ...

      for (@$bits) {
         next OUTER if ++$_ != 2;
         $_ = 0;


for my $n (3, 10) {
   cmpthese(-3, {
      ikegami        => sub { ikegami($n)        },
      ikegami_inline => sub { ikegami_inline($n) },
      tommaso_pasini => sub { tommaso_pasini($n) },

Just posting the Perl version of the great solution above, in case somebody needs it. @TommasoPasini thanks again!

sub allConfigurations{
    my ($n, $index, @config) = @_;

    if($index == $n) #base case, the whole config has been filled
    $config[$index] = 0; #create config with 0 at index
    allConfigurations($n, $index + 1, @config);

    $config[$index] = 1; #create config with 1 at index
    allConfigurations($n, $index + 1, @config);

sub printConfiguration{
    my @config = @_;

    print "@config";
    print "\n";

&allConfigurations(3, my $index=0, my @conf);

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