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Froala Editor - Custom Dialogs

I have the following use-case: In my application I use the Froala Editor v2.0.5. There, I have added a custom button to the toolbar, which opens a bootstrap modal dialog, where the user can select or search some specific pages / links. This is all working with the folling code:

$j(function() {
    $j.FroalaEditor.DefineIcon('linkInsertArticle', {NAME: 'search'});
    $j.FroalaEditor.RegisterCommand('linkInsertArticle', {
        title: synapse_translate("article.edit.links.linkInsertArticle"),
        focus: false,
        undo: true,
        refreshAfterCallback: false,
        callback: function() {

Now I want to insert the selected link into my document.

Problem: When the user clicks somewhere on the dialog, the editor will lose its focus / text selection. Now the user clicks on the "Insert" button on my custom dialog which calls the following method:

editor.link.insert(someLink, someTitle);

and closes the dialog. But this method is not working, because the editor currently has no focus / selection.

Question: Is it possible to open a custom dialog without loosing the focus / selection in the editor? The Froala image manager uses such a dialog, but I dont know how to put my bootstrap modal content to a froala modal.

I still tried the option iframe = true. With this option the editor will always keep its selection, but this options brings some bugs in my application like missing CSS, duiplicate scrollbars and not working table resizing, so I dont want to use this option.

Is there any other way to do it?

Did you try saving and restoring the selection? This worked for me, although it throws an error in chrome ("Discontiguous selection is not supported.")

here is the code I use:

$.FroalaEditor.DefineIcon('linkInsertArticle', {NAME: 'plus'});
    $.FroalaEditor.RegisterCommand('linkInsertArticle', {
        title: "link",
        focus: false,
        undo: true,
        refreshAfterCallback: false,
        callback: function() {


    .on('froalaEditor.initialized', function (e, editor) {
        editor.events.bindClick($('body'), '#insert-text', function () {

          editor.html.insert("Insert some html...");


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